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immunity to coronavirus

Boost Immunity: Unveiling Three Hormones Against Coronavirus

Coronavirus numbers continue to climb exponentially, and because the COVID-19 strain is new to humans we don’t have acquired immunity to it yet. However, that doesn’t mean there is nothing you can do to protect yourself. Boosting your immune system will help you become immune to the coronavirus and if you do contract it, it will make the symptoms notably less severe and hasten the recovery process. 

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Coronavirus Dietary Guidelines: Should You Really Starve a Fever?

“Feed a cold, starve a fever” is an adage that has been traced all the way back to a 1574 dictionary. But just because it’s been a common adage for centuries, doesn’t mean it’s correct. In fact, there are volumes of research that prove you should be feeding a cold and feeding a fever. Below I’ll explain why it’s so important to eat when you are sick and provide you with dietary guidelines that will help you fight the coronavirus as well as all other types of infectious diseases.

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Liver Health

Optimizing Liver Health: How Your Liver Affects Your Coronavirus Risk

Fear of the coronavirus has gotten out of hand. The virus is no more deadly than the flu or common cold, and the only populations that it poses a real threat to are the very sick and elderly. I’m not saying to just do nothing though – contracting the virus has consequences which include a two-week quarantine and potentially spreading it to others before you realize you have it. But Instead of succumbing to all the chaos and fear, which will cause unnecessary stress and weaken your immune function, I recommend you focus your energy on optimizing your defense systems. Your liver plays a vital role in your immunity and now is the perfect time to cleanse and rejuvenate it, so it can do its part in protecting you from the virus. 

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immune system

Power-Up Your Immune System and Ward Off the Coronavirus By Eliminating These 3 Foods

Fear over the coronavirus continues to climb – but it’s primarily fueled by misinformation and sensationalization. People are being led to believe that the coronavirus is extremely dangerous and deadly. It’s ironic that just a few days ago the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Director-General Dr. Tedros stated: “Most people will have mild disease and get better without needing any special care.” And now the WHO has released a fear-mongering death rate estimate of 3.4 percent; this estimate is quite implausible, if not wildly inaccurate. 

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Coronavirus Defense: 3 Lifestyle Modifications to Safeguard Yourself

Despite its epidemic status – your risk of contracting the coronavirus is largely in your hands. I’ve already shared with you precautionary steps you should take and 3 ways to boost your natural defenses to become immune to the virus. And now I’d like to share 3 easy and free lifestyle modifications that will make you far less susceptible to succumbing to the virus. 

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The Coronavirus? Here’s immediate simple steps You can take that will surprise You

Fear over the coronavirus continues to climb – but it’s primarily fueled by misinformation and sensationalization. People are being led to believe that the coronavirus is extremely dangerous and deadly. It’s ironic that just a few days ago the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Director-General Dr. Tedros stated: “Most people will have mild disease and get better without needing any special care.” And now the WHO has released a fear-mongering death rate estimate of 3.4 percent; this estimate is quite implausible, if not wildly inaccurate. 

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Coronavirus Protection Guide: How to Safeguard Yourself and Your Family

The number of coronavirus cases continues to climb around the world and it’s projected to be widespread in the US by mid to late March and April. Humans have never contracted this snake-associated virus before, which means we have no internal defense system to protect us from it. While scientists and researchers are working hard to understand the clinical virology of this virus, it is still a wildcard, and it’s highly unlikely that conventional medicine will be able to offer any preventative or curative solutions any time soon. 

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