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Discover 7 Hidden Causes of Sexual Dysfunction and Learn How to Reverse Them

Sexual dysfunction affects almost all of us at some point, it interferes with relationship satisfaction, connectedness and security, and it prevents you from experiencing sexual bliss. The most common types of sexual dysfunction include: loss of libido, reduced arousal and pleasure; delayed, weak or absent orgasms; erectile dysfunction (ED), sexual pain disorders, and vaginal dryness. Sex starts in the brain and psychological issues are a leading cause of sexual dysfunction. Read-on to discover the most common psychological causes and how you can overcome them and create deep intimacy and explosive pleasure.

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How to Be A Legend in the Bedroom

Would you like to lead your woman to new depths of ecstasy and bring her to orgasm every single time? If you are thinking right now “I already am,” I am sorry to break the bad news, but you are probably wrong. According to multiple large scale polls, the majority of women are not orgasming during sex with their partners and a whopping 67% of them admit to faking it either occasionally or always.

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Estrogen Dominance – America’s Silent Health Crises

Estrogen dominance is silently sabotaging the health of Americans and no one seems to be doing anything about it. This hormonal health disorder has reached epidemic proportions, it is rarely diagnosed and it’s almost always left untreated. I will discuss the plethora of symptoms and health risks associated with estrogen dominance and reveal how you can identify and reverse it later, but first I’d like to explain what it is.

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How Estrogen May Be Ruining Your Lovelife and What You Can Do About It

Although men require some estrogen in order to maintain bone and heart health, estrogen dominance is a far more common problem for men. Estrogen dominance is a condition where you have too much estrogen or not enough progesterone or testosterone to balance out the effects of estrogen. Estrogen dominance causes you to become less manly – you lose muscle mass, body hair becomes sparse, and you gain belly and breast fat (man boobs). Your libido and sperm count are also reduced, you may become highly emotional, and in advanced stages, erectile dysfunction and infertility can develop.

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Peptides for Incredible Lovemaking, Longevity, Health, Energy and Happiness

Although men require some estrogen in order to maintain bone and heart health, estrogen dominance is a far more common problem for men. Estrogen dominance is a condition where you have too much estrogen or not enough progesterone or testosterone to balance out the effects of estrogen. Estrogen dominance causes you to become less manly – you lose muscle mass, body hair becomes sparse, and you gain belly and breast fat (man boobs). Your libido and sperm count are also reduced, you may become highly emotional, and in advanced stages, erectile dysfunction and infertility can develop.

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Effective 21 Home Remedies for Losing Belly Fat – Your Ultimate Guide

Fat accumulates in the body whenever there are more calories consumed than burned. But that’s not the only cause – a sedentary lifestyle, eating heavy foods right before bed, insulin resistance, chronic stress, and genetics can all contribute to belly fat. The consumption of processed junk foods and oils also encourages fat to accumulate in the midsection. Don’t be fooled by the hype around olive oil and coconut oil – all oils are bad for your waistline and your health. Another major cause of excess belly fat worth mentioning is estrogen dominance; a health condition caused by too much estrogen or too little progesterone (more on this later).

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Boost Testosterone

How To Boost Testosterone Without Triggering Acne and Other Unwanted Side-Effects

The maintenance of adequate testosterone levels in men is essential for mental, physical, emotional and sexual wellbeing. Unfortunately, after age 30, testosterone begins to decline and most men will experience a 1% drop in testosterone levels per year, after their twenties. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is not an ideal solution because it can cause oily skin, stubborn acne, weight gain, moodiness, increased risk for blood clots, the development of man boobs, and potentially even the growth of prostate cancer cells.

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Think Twice Before You Drink Beer this Super Bowl!

The maintenance of adequate testosterone levels in men is essential for mental, physical, emotional and sexual wellbeing. Unfortunately, after age 30, testosterone begins to decline and most men will experience a 1% drop in testosterone levels per year, after their twenties. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is not an ideal solution because it can cause oily skin, stubborn acne, weight gain, moodiness, increased risk for blood clots, the development of man boobs, and potentially even the growth of prostate cancer cells.

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The Hidden Cause of Your Stubborn Acne and How to Abolish It

Estrogen dominance has reached epidemic proportions in America, it’s rarely diagnosed and it affects both men and women alike. It can trigger stubborn acne and cause a myriad of sexual, physical, mental and emotional consequences. Fortunately, there are lifestyle modifications and clinically proven supplements available that can help you reverse estrogen dominance and the acne and other symptoms that it causes. Before revealing what these modifications and supplements are, let’s first explore estrogen dominance a bit further.

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