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The True Cause of Diabetes and How to Reverse It

[sharify] 29 Million Americans suffer with diabetes. This number is appalling, especially since 90{26cc0ed11e2bb6722aeee461b889fb0a3f7e0a26d72d2ac41cff8364d94a8d9c} to 95{26cc0ed11e2bb6722aeee461b889fb0a3f7e0a26d72d2ac41cff8364d94a8d9c} of diabetes cases can be prevented with proper nutritional education. For decades, doctors have been perpetuating the myth that sugar is the biggest contributor to diabetes and that by simply eliminating sugar, you can prevent and reverse type-2 diabetes, but that is simply not true. Read-on to discover the real cause of diabetes — what you discover may just surprise you.


How to Prevent Concussion-Induced Brain Damage in Athletes

[sharify] A concussion is caused when the brain experiences trauma from an impact or a sudden, forceful movement, resulting in neurological symptoms. Between 1.6 and 3.8 million sports and recreation related concussions occur each and every year in America – the majority of which happen to males under the age of 19. This is scary because concussions can damage the brain and have serious short and long-term consequences, especially if they remain undiagnosed and the athlete returns to the game too soon.


The Scientifically Proven Diet That Helps Both Prevent and Reverse Cancer

[sharify]An astounding 40{26cc0ed11e2bb6722aeee461b889fb0a3f7e0a26d72d2ac41cff8364d94a8d9c} of Americans will be diagnosed with some type of cancer in their lifetime. It’s a pretty scary statistic, but the good news is that cancer for the most part is not a random disease, and you have the power to vastly reduce your risk with lifestyle modifications. In fact, studies show that as much as 90{26cc0ed11e2bb6722aeee461b889fb0a3f7e0a26d72d2ac41cff8364d94a8d9c} of all cancers are due to lifestyle factors, and thu`s are potentially preventable. And it is estimated that between 35{26cc0ed11e2bb6722aeee461b889fb0a3f7e0a26d72d2ac41cff8364d94a8d9c} and 50{26cc0ed11e2bb6722aeee461b889fb0a3f7e0a26d72d2ac41cff8364d94a8d9c} of cancers are directly linked to the food that you eat. Read-on to learn the best diet and most powerful foods for both reducing cancer risk and for helping to reverse certain types of cancer.


How to Identify and Treat America’s Largest Health Epidemic

[sharify] Estrogen dominance is a condition that is caused when there’s normal-to- excessive estrogen levels present in the body and little-to- no progesterone to balance it out. Although estrogen is often thought of as a female hormone, it’s actually present in both sexes, and estrogen dominance is a nationwide epidemic that is ravaging us all. Read-on to learn how estrogen dominance is effecting your health and vitality, what causes it, and how to reverse it naturally.


Americas Only Olympic Weightlifter Eats Vegan: Why You Should Too!

[sharify] There’s a common myth that you need to eat meat in order to build strength and stamina but 30-year-old, vegan Olympic weightlifter Kendrick Farris proves that wrong! Standing at just 5’6”, Kendrick weighs 187 lbs – most of which is solid muscle. Since switching to a vegan diet in September 2014, Kendrick has increased his muscle mass, moved up a weight class, and attained a body fat percentage of just 6.5{26cc0ed11e2bb6722aeee461b889fb0a3f7e0a26d72d2ac41cff8364d94a8d9c}.


5 Simple Steps to Reverse Acne and Give You Healthy Skin for Life

[sharify] Acne is an extremely common skin disorder that effects over 50 million Americans every year. Most people try to treat their acne with topical products but acne is a reflection of an internal imbalance and no matter how expensive or ‘innovate’ the topical product is, it will never truly eliminate acne because it fails to address the root cause. Companies don’t want you to know this though, because acne is a 3 billion dollar a year industry, and dermatological companies thrive on the myth that washes, scrubs, creams, gels, lasers and other ‘magical acne potions’ will give you the clear, radiant skin you seek. Fortunately, if you’re sick and tired of acne and truly ready to gain beautiful, radiant skin for life, all you have to do is follow the below 5 steps.


Caring for Aging Parents

[sharify]Recently, I was very touched and moved by a sincere letter written by Dr. Nick Delgado about how he turned his Dad around and made the final days of his Dad’s life a pleasure for himself, for his Dad and for the rest of the family. This was particularly poignant to me as I have had two similar voyages with my Dad, victim of congestive heart failure at 88, and with my late husband a fitness icon cut down too young by a stroke. Dr. Delgado and many colleagues have studied and have found solutions for many many aging adults to minimize or relieve entirely the debilitating effects of aging, weakness, memory loss, Alzheimer’s, lack of sexual energy, inability to perform and others. More importantly for those of us who fill the role as primary caregiver is to maintain cognitive function.


The Powerful Compound that Will Drastically Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risk

[sharify] Breast cancer is the second deadliest form of cancer for women and 12{26cc0ed11e2bb6722aeee461b889fb0a3f7e0a26d72d2ac41cff8364d94a8d9c} of the female population will be diagnosed with it at some point in their lives. The statistics may sound grim, but whether or not you will become a part of that statistic is largely in your hands. Understanding the role that estrogen plays in breast cancer, keeping a balanced ratio of estrogens and their metabolites, and maintaining high levels of a particularly beneficial metabolite of estrogen will help to vastly reduce your risk.


[Video] How to Reverse the Top Two Lethal Hormone Imbalances

[sharify]Hormone imbalances are a modern day epidemic; and chances are, you will experience an imbalance at some point in your life. Estrogen and cortisol are two of the most commonly imbalanced hormones in both males and females; both of which cause a range of nasty symptoms and an increased risk for many chronic diseases. Fortunately, you can reverse most estrogen and cortisol imbalances with a combination of simple lifestyle tweaks and dietary supplements, which will be discussed below.


How to Eliminate Man Boobs Naturally

[sharify]Man boobs, which are referred to medically as gynecomastia, are becoming increasingly common in America. In fact, the swelling of breast tissue is estimated to effect approximately 40{26cc0ed11e2bb6722aeee461b889fb0a3f7e0a26d72d2ac41cff8364d94a8d9c} of all men at some point in their lives, causing physical tenderness, and unnecessary anxiety and social discomfort. Plastic surgeons are cashing in on the embarrassment and shame associated with man boobs and many charge over $10,000 to surgically remove the excess breast tissue. Surgery should not be your first line of defense however; not only is it expensive, invasive and painful, it also fails to address the root cause. Besides, why waste the money when most men can both prevent and reverse gynecomastia by balancing estrogen levels through simple diet and lifestyle tweaks.

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