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The Revolutionary 5-Step Model for Preventing Aging and Disease

[sharify] Far too many people take a passive approach to their health and aging, and feel like victims of an unlucky lottery when disease strikes. In reality, how you age, how long you live, and whether or not you will suffer with a chronic disease, is largely in your control. The following 5-step antiaging model takes a restorative approach to antiaging. By focusing on correcting imbalances before they cause symptoms and disease, this model will allow you to live a productive, happy, healthy and disease-free life. It will also help you to look years younger than your age and to maintain full cognitive capabilities right to the end.


5 Simple Steps To Heal Adrenal Fatigue and Gain Radiant Health

[sharify] Do you struggle with mental and physical fatigue, even after sleeping for 8, 10, or even 12 hours? Are you emotionally reactive and/or unable to handle stress? Do you cry a lot, crave salt, or have a diminished libido? Do you feel nauseas and dizzy, especially when going from sitting to standing? All of these symptoms are connected to a very common, yet rarely diagnosed health condition called adrenal fatigue.


6 Estrogen Deficiency Triggers

[sharify] Estrogen is the primary female sex hormone and it plays a major role in both reproduction and in the development and maintenance of female sex characteristics. Like all hormones, estrogen levels need to be maintained within a delicate balance; when they rise too high a harmful health condition called estrogen dominance occurs, and when they fall too low, a wide-range of troublesome symptoms set-in. There are many different estrogen deficiency triggers, and below is a list of the 6 most common.


Cortisol Deficiency: How to Prevent This Hidden Epidemic From Robbing You of Your Health and Vitality

[sharify] We experience more pressure and stress than ever before in history and cortisol is the hormone that helps us to deal with all those stressors. Unfortunately, our bodies were not designed to cope with such chronic high-stress levels and many of us have depleted our cortisol reserves as a result. A cortisol deficiency will rob you of your wellbeing and leave you feeling mentally, physically and emotionally drained. Below is everything you need to know about cortisol, how to diagnose a cortisol deficiency, and how to restore cortisol levels naturally, so you can get back to living the healthy, vibrant life that you deserve.


Controlling DHT: The Key To Preventing Acne, Prostate Cancer and Hair Loss

[sharify] Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, is sex hormone that is manufactured from testosterone. It is often villainized for the role that it plays in hair loss, however, it is an essential hormone and harmless when maintained in a healthy range. Understanding DHT, the roles that it plays in the body, how it’s created, and how to maintain it in ideal levels, is the key to protecting prostate and heart health, maintaining a full-head of hair and preventing acne.


How To Reverse Estrogen Deficiency Safely and Effectively

[sharify] Estrogen is a female hormone that is essential for a woman to look and feel feminine. Estrogen levels can easily fall out of balance and factors such as menopause, eating disorders, childbirth and the birth control pill can all lead to an estrogen deficiency. Low estrogen levels can cause a wide-range of symptoms, the most common of which include: mental fogginess, depression, forgetfulness, moodiness, anxiety, insomnia, loss of sex drive, hot flashes, and night sweats. Low estrogen also increases the risk for cardiovascular disorders, heart disease, and osteoporosis.


Everything You Need to Know About Estrogen in Order to Prevent It From Ruining Your Health

[sharify] Estrogen and progesterone levels need to be maintained in a specific ratio for optimal health, and when there is not enough progesterone to balance estrogen out, it creates a harmful health condition called estrogen dominance. The condition effects men and women alike, and it’s caused primarily by excess body fat, the birth control pill, overexposure to environmental estrogen-like compounds (xenoestrogens), and the consumption of animal products (because they’re naturally very high in estrogen).


Is Male Menopause Silently Sabotaging Your Health, Happiness, and Sexuality?

[sharify] Andropause, or male menopause, is the term used to describe a set of symptoms and risks that occur from a testosterone deficiency. It typically occurs in men aged 50 and over, however, not all men are affected by it. Once detected, andropause is easily treated with supplements, lifestyle modifications, and/or testosterone replacement therapy. Unfortunately, however, andropause is rarely identified, which means countless men are suffering with it unnecessarily.


5 Hidden But Common Causes of Estrogen Dominance Revealed

[sharify] Obesity, acne, hair loss, chronic fatigue, depression, cancer and fertility issues are just a few of the modern-day plagues that baffle the medical community. These conditions are often thought of as things that can only be mitigated through willpower, prescription medication, and/or invasive medical procedures – but that ideology is just plain wrong.


Adrenal Fatigue: Everything You Need to Know About This Unrecognized Health Epidemic

[sharify] Adrenal fatigue is a widely underdiagnosed condition caused primarily by chronic stress. It is extremely common — affecting virtually all high-achieving individuals, and it leads to a myriad of negative mental, emotional and physical side-effects. It can also trigger rampant inflammation and hormonal imbalances, and vastly increase your risk for chronic disease. And if left untreated, all of the exercise, healthy eating, detoxification and supplements in the world won’t help.

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