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Everything You Need To Know About the The Most Common H2 Therapy Delivery Methods

Dr. Nick Delgado

Dr. Nick Delgado

Helping people with their journey to health, happiness and their goals in career, relationships and longevity.

[sharify] Molecular hydrogen (H2) is gaining worldwide attention for its wide-range of therapeutic and health-promoting effects. This unique molecule has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-allergy, anti-fatigue and cell-protecting (cytoprotective) properties. [i] It is also the tiniest molecule on earth, which allows it to quickly and easily diffuse into all of the body’s cells. There are over 150 diseases that molecular hydrogen helps prevent and/or treat, and it does so without producing any harmful side-effects. There are many different delivery methods available for hydrogen therapy, and below is an explanation of the benefits and drawbacks of the 3 most common.

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Everything You Need To Know About the The Most Common H2 Therapy Delivery Methods

Molecular hydrogen (H2) is gaining worldwide attention for its wide-range of therapeutic and health-promoting effects. This unique molecule has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiaging, anti-allergy, anti-fatigue and cell-protecting (cytoprotective) properties.[i] It is also the tiniest molecule on earth, which allows it to quickly and easily diffuse into all of the body’s cells. There are over 150 diseases that molecular hydrogen helps prevent and/or treat, and it does so without producing any harmful side-effects. There are many different delivery methods available for hydrogen therapy, and below is an explanation of the benefits and drawbacks of the 3 most common.

*For more information on molecular hydrogen benefits and uses:

Most Common Hydrogen Delivery Methods

Method #1: Hydrogen Gas Machines

Hydrogen gas has no foreign smell and it can easily be inhaled into the body with inhalation machines that use either face masks, ventilators, or nasal cannulas to provide low levels of H2. Gas and electrochemical gas sensors can be used to monitor the concentrations of the gas in the air. This delivery method is particularly beneficial for critically ill patients who are given oxygen because it helps to prevent the lung damage associated with oxygen therapy.[ii] You can buy at home hydrogen gas devices; however they are costly, and to receive a therapeutic dose you may need 30-60-minute-long sessions, up to three times per day, which makes them cumbersome.

Method #2: Injecting Hydrogen Rich Saline

Hydrogen can be administered intravenously by injecting hydrogen rich saline, which is created by dissolving hydrogen in saline under high pressure. This method is superior to hydrogen gas because it can provide more precise and accurate concentrations of hydrogen and can safely deliver a high concentration of hydrogen to the body.[iii] Research shows it may be particularly beneficial for metabolic syndrome, ischemia, recovery after cardiac arrest, and liver injuries.[iv][v] The drawback is that the insertion of the IV can be painful, the therapy can be time-consuming, and it needs to be administered by a physician, which makes it costly, and far from convenient.

Method #3: Drinking Hydrogen Rich Water

Hydrogen rich water is the most practical and easiest delivery method. It is affordable and the process is quick, straightforward and highly effective.[vi] To create hydrogen rich water you need to expose water to magnesium by dissolving molecular hydrogen into water under high pressures, or you can dissolve electrolyzed hydrogen into water. Hydrogen tablets can be purchased to simplify the process, and to use them, you simply drop the tablet into water, cap the bottle, allow the gas to build, and drink-up. Hydrogen water is virtually tasteless and completely safe because the byproduct of molecular hydrogen is water (H20). The energizing effects of drinking hydrogen-rich water can be felt immediately, which makes it particularly beneficial for athletes, gym rats, and anyone who struggles with fatigue.

*To purchase H2 Pure Energy Tablets:

Additional, Less Common Delivery Methods

Although far less common, molecular hydrogen can also be delivered topically, by taking a hydrogen rich bath, by room air administration, or via molecular hydrogen-rich saline eye drops.





[v] Hydrogen-rich saline is an alternative form of molecular hydrogen that has been widely used in many studies, including metabolic syndrome, cerebral, hepatic, myocardial ischemia/reperfusion, and liver injuries with obstructive jaundice, with beneficial results.


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