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A Complete 7-Step Manual To Heal Virtually Any Health Condition

Dr. Nick Delgado

Dr. Nick Delgado

Helping people with their journey to health, happiness and their goals in career, relationships and longevity.

A Complete 7-Step Manual To Heal Virtually Any Health Condition

Despite major advances in science and healthcare, society at large is getting sicker and the vast majority of us suffer with at least one health condition. The allopathic ‘sick-care’ approach of suppressing symptoms and ignoring the root cause, fails to reverse most of these conditions, and leaves many hopeless. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can reverse almost any health condition, regain vibrant health, and add years to your life expectancy by adhering to the 7 recommendations below.

Note: Some of these recommendations are seldom discussed in mainstream healthcare and media outlets, but their powerful effects should not be underestimated. Try to keep an open mind because without incorporating all 7 of these steps, the complete reversal of disease and maintenance of optimal health is virtually impossible.

Consume a Plant-Based Diet  


Plant eaters have a reduced risk for most chronic health conditions and live on average, nearly 8 years longer than meat eaters. Also, according to diabetic researchers one pound of meat causes the same harmful insulin raising effects (which leads to hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia, and glucose intolerance), as one pound of sugar. Animal products also increase estrogen levels, and the risk for America’s hidden epidemic—estrogen dominance. If all that weren’t enough, conventional animal products are loaded with antibiotics, which damages the beneficial flora that your body and mind need to thrive. And perhaps worse of all, animal products increase inflammation and free radical damage, which are the two primary causes of aging and at the root of almost every chronic health condition.


Focus on consuming a whole-foods, organic, plant-based diet. Include an abundance of fruits and vegetables, and a moderate amount of beans, legumes, nuts and seeds. Vastly reduce or completely eliminate animal products, alcohol, and all processed and packaged foods. If you choose to consume animal products, make sure they are organic, and try to limit your serving size of meat to no more than 2-3 ounces per week. 

Reverse Nutrient Deficiencies


Most everyone has nutrient deficiencies, regardless of how healthy their diet may be. Nutrient deficiencies are so common because our soils are nutrient depleted; because the farm-to-table time is increasingly lengthy (and the nutrient content of produce continually declines after it is picked); and because most produce is picked long before it’s ripe. Also, there are many modern-day insults (antibiotics, chlorinated water, stress, pesticides etc.) that harm gut health and reduce the body’s ability to digest and absorb nutrients. If left unaddressed, nutrient deficiencies will reduce your body’s ability to perform optimally, and increase your risk for most chronic health conditions. Common nutrient deficiency signs to look for include: unhealthy nails, leg cramps, numbness in hands and feet, skin inflammation, poor immunity, fatigue, anxiousness, and depression.


If you experience any of the above symptoms or a general lack of vitality discuss your symptoms with your healthcare practitioner and have them test for suspected deficiencies. Make sure to include iodine in your testing because it’s one of the most common deficiencies worldwide. Finally, try to consume a high percentage of locally grown, raw foods, to maximize nutrient intake.

Consume Nutraceutical Foods


Nutraceuticals are foods and supplements that not only enhance nutritional status but also assist in mitigating health problems, and in treating and preventing disease.[i] Some examples of nutraceutical foods and the nutrients primarily responsible for their medicinal properties include: cruciferous vegetables (DIM and I3C), tomatoes (lycopene), deep leafy greens (carotenoids and iron), mushrooms (beta-glucans), beets (nitrates), fermented foods and beverages (probiotics), sea vegetables (iodine), turmeric (curcumin), berries (polyphenols), almonds and nuts (magnesium and healthy fats), chia and flaxseeds (omega-3s), and green tea (catechins); and virtually all spices and herbs for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


Try to incorporate as many of these foods as possible in your diet (massive salads, and smoothies are great ways to do this). To turbocharge your smoothies, add a scoop of Slim Blend Pro to them — it contains over 30 superfoods, as well as protein, fiber, probiotics, and essential fatty acids (

Use High-Quality Supplements


Our nutrient-depleted soils, high stress-lifestyles, and the abundance of toxins in our food, water, air, consumer products, and environment, all place a tremendous amount of stress on our bodies. As a result, many of us suffer with hormone imbalances, chronic inflammation, too much oxidative stress, and compromised organ function. Unfortunately, diet alone is often not enough to reverse these conditions, but augmenting a healthy diet with certain high-quality supplements can yield powerful healing results.


There are many proprietary blended supplements geared towards addressing specific health problems, but make sure you choose only high-quality ones, manufactured by reputable companies. Stem Cell Strong is recommended for nearly everyone because it contains over 30 ingredients that increase stem cell count, which in-turn, allows the body to regenerate from nearly every issue ( Finally, if you have a hormone imbalance (and most adults have at least one), there is a range of clinically effective, proprietary-blended supplements that you can purchase here:

Neutralize Radiation


Ionizing radiation can cause DNA damage, cellular abnormalities and cellular death, and as a result, cause damage to all of the body’s key organs and tissues. The accumulation of radiation damage caused by chronic exposure can contribute to: cancer, thyroid disorders, cataracts, brain and central nervous system damage, lowered immunity, fertility problems, birth defects, and accelerated aging.[ii] It can also cause memory problems, mood changes, and reduced listening and psychomotor capabilities. Unfortunately, radiation exposure is unavoidable – it is naturally found in our environment and drinking water, and many modern-day devices such as: cell phones, smart watches, televisions, microwaves, fluorescent lamps, computers, x-rays and CAT scans, airport x-ray security scans, nuclear energy plants, and cigarettes.


Reduce your exposure by keeping your cell phone away from your body when not in use, and using the phone in speaker mode when possible; sitting far away from the TV, keeping alarm clocks away from your head, and avoiding cooking with microwaves. The super antioxidant-DMSO, chlorophyll, bee pollen, and minerals such as iodine, potassium, calcium and magnesium, can all help protect you from the damaging effects of radiation. Activated charcoal, and zeolite clay can also help to remove radioactive waste and other toxins from the body.

Balance Your Energy Field  


The body is highly electric, but because we can’t see our energetic vibrations, they are often ignored by healthcare practitioners. Your body is designed to heal itself, and when diet and lifestyle modifications don’t work, it is often because there is an energetic imbalance that needs to be addressed. The body generates approximately 15 million volts of energy per cubic millimeter and these volts of energy are the power plants of the cells. The cells in a healthy human body typically measure between 70-90 millivolts but illness weakens the cells, and causes them to run at a much lower energetic frequency, where healing is not possible.


Healing technologies such as The Energy Enhancement System ( can be used to help bring the cells back-up to a healthy energetic range. This range enhances cellular function and reverses cellular damage, which enables the body to heal and function optimally. Additional energetic healing methods include: grounding (by walking barefoot on the earth’s surface), reiki, meditation, acupuncture, magnet therapy, and Quantum healing.

Reprogram Yourself for Love and Positivity


Negative thoughts and emotions such as stress, anxiety, and depression increase inflammation, hinder your immune system, and vastly increase your risk for most chronic health conditions. Conversely, positivity, love, physical affection, and social connectivity are all scientifically proven to increase immunity and life expectancy. Not surprisingly, the longest living individuals all tend to share an optimistic outlook and a deep sense of social connectivity.


More often than not, negative emotions arise not because of some external event, but because of some deep-root subconscious beliefs and unresolved past hurts experienced during childhood. You can resolve those beliefs and reprogram your mind for positivity with tools such as: emotional freedom technique (EFT), hypnotherapy, positive affirmations, meditation, and Laser Focus Concentration (LFC). Finally, make time spent with loved ones and physical affection a priority in your daily life; laugh a lot; and boost social connectivity by volunteering and joining clubs that interest you.




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