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How Animal Products Are Contributing to America’s Latest Health Epidemic

[sharify]Estrogen dominance is a huge health epidemic in America, causing a slew of undesirable side-effects including: fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, headaches, mood changes, reduced libido, PMS, endometriosis,fertility issues, increased cancer risk and accelerated aging. Much of the estrogen dominance is caused by exposure to environmental estrogens (xenoestrogens), and one of the most notorious offenders is plastic. You should try to only use BPA-free plastics, and never use plastic in the microwave because heating plastic increases the xenoestrogen levels and directly deposits them into your food.


2 Major Diabetes Perpetrators That Are Rarely Acknowledged

[sharify] When you hear the word diabetes, dietary sugar is probably the first association that comes to mind. Although too much sugar and refined carbohydrates (which are quickly broken down into sugar in the body), do contribute to metabolic syndrome, blood sugar fluctuation and diabetes symptoms; dairy and fat are actually more harmful than sugar. Before explaining further, it is important to first understand the difference between type-1 and type-2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.


Anti-Aging Longevity Conference- Exclusive Interview with Dr. Ron Klatz

[sharify] During the Brinks Longevity Conference, we were able to catch up with Dr. Ron Klatz from “Simply Healthy T.V.” Dr. Klatz spoke about some very important breakthroughs regarding immortality, anti-aging, and longevity. We got into detail about what exactly is going on in the laboratories now, and what will be available in the not-so-distant future. Our main focus revolved around increasing life expectancy through genetic engineering and cellular biology stem cells.


Bioidentical Hormones: The Key to a Longer, Healthier and Happier Life

Hormones naturally decline as you age, and hormone deficiencies are a great contributor to the symptoms that we commonly associate with aging, such as: hair loss, fatigue, lowered libido, bone loss, muscle loss, cognitive decline, thinning skin and reduced metabolism. Hormones can also decline from things such as: stress, toxic overload, menopause, infections, organ and gland disorders (thyroid disease, adrenal fatigue, liver toxicity etc.), eating disorders, and an unhealthy diet.


Are Oils Harmful to Your Body?

Did you know that the oils we have been ingesting for years are potentially harmful to our bodies? The oils we consume, for example, olive oil, concentrates in the body fat.


(Video) Chronic Fatigue: Hidden Causes and Natural Treatments

[sharify] Chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS, is a complicated disorder that effects more than a million Americans. In addition to causing extreme and relentless fatigue that is not solved by sleep, CFS can also cause symptoms such as muscle pain, frequent headaches, multijoint pain (without the presence of redness or swelling), insomnia, loss of memory or concentration, frequent sore throats, and tender lymph nodes. The symptoms may be worsened by physical or mental activity, and they don’t improve with rest.


(Video) Chronic Fatigue, Stress, and Cortisol

[sharify] Cortisol is a natural hormone that the body produces on a regular basis. Unfortunately, too much cortisol, or to little even, can be very dangerous for the body. Running on high levels of cortisol will eventually cause your body to stop making that hormone. Once this happens the body goes into that “fight or flight” mode, and runs on pure adrenaline, which is an even more toxic hormone to constantly live off of.


(Video) Platelet Rich Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy: Revolutionary Treatments That Can Transform Your Life

[sharify] If you have never heard of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, or Stem Cell therapy, you are not alone. Both of these therapies represent a revolution in healthcare, with the ability to heal in a capacity that has never been seen before, yet they are rarely discussed or utilized. Read on to discover the benefits and uses of these two revolutionary therapies. What you will learn may just transform your life or the life of someone you one.


(Video) How to Identify and Eliminate Food Sensitivities, And Feel Healthier Than Ever

[sharify] Did you know that food sensitivities are on the rise and you may be suffering with a multitude of mental, physical and emotional symptoms that are caused by unidentified food sensitivities? Overtime, you may have become so accustom to these symptoms, that you don’t even realize just how terrible you feel, and you won’t feel any better until you identify and eliminate the food/s that you’re sensitive to. Don’t settle for subpar health, read on to discover how to recognize, identify and eliminate food sensitivities, and prepare yourself to feel better than ever!


Tools For Living Longer

[sharify] Whomever said they didn’t want to live a long, and happy life was only kidding themselves. Everybody has that goal to be the healthiest and happiest they can be. The truth is, you can achieve that goal all by yourself through healthy eating, exercise, and natural vitamins. It is crucial for living a healthy life that you stay away from all toxic foods and drinks, such as coffee, or any grilled/fried foods.

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