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Revolutionary Tools for Pain Relief and to Enhance Mobility

[sharify] Pain affects more Americans than cancer, heart disease and diabetes combined. Back, hip and knee pain are arguably the most common pain conditions, and for many sufferers the pain is chronic, meaning it is constant and seemingly incurable. Pain can have a devastating effect on a sufferer’s life, negatively effecting their psychological wellbeing and placing an emotional burden on both the patient and their families.


The Top 10 High-Fiber Low Calorie Foods For Preventing and Reversing Disease

[sharify] America’s most common and deadliest chronic diseases are almost exclusively caused by lifestyle factors, and of all the factors, the low-fiber, Standard American Diet (SAD), is perhaps the biggest contributor. You can markedly reduce your disease risk and enhance longevity by consuming a wholefoods, unprocessed, organic, plant-based diet; high in fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, beans, and legumes. For optimal health you also need to consume approximately 100 grams of fiber daily and vastly reduce or eliminate all sources of processed salt and saturated fat (dairy, meat, butter, eggs, fried foods, vegetable oils, and processed foods).


Ultimate Guide to Immune Support, Longevity and Cancer

[sharify] Your success in living a longer, higher quality life depends on your willingness to integrate the following 5 key principles for health and longevity:

  1. A plant-based protein diet
  2. Exercise
  3. Stress management
  4. Supplements personalized for you based on a hormone & metabolic assessment
  5. Love and connection

[Video] How to Prevent and Reverse America’s Newest Health Epidemic

[sharify] Too much estrogen exposure is leading to a modern day epidemic called estrogen dominance, that is harming the health of men and women alike. Unfortunately, most conventional practitioners don’t acknowledge or test for estrogen dominance, and since the symptoms are so diverse, many people suffer with it, without even realizing that’s what they have. Read-on to discover what causes estrogen dominance, some of the most common symptoms of it, why it’s so important that you treat it, and how to both prevent and reverse it naturally.


How to Reverse Skin Disorders and Obtain Flawless, Youthful, Radiant Skin

[sharify] Flawless, glowing skin not only enhances your overall appearance, it also signifies good health and youthful vitality. Skin ailments such as acne, rosacea, dermatitis, eczema, skin dryness, sagginess, and premature wrinkles, can sabotage your self-esteem and make you feel unnecessarily insecure. Fortunately, the majority of skin ailments can be reversed with a few simple, safe and natural techniques. Read-on if you’re ready to take control of your skin health and to obtain beautiful, unblemished, radiant skin for life.


5 Keys To Sculpting A Perfect Body

[sharify] Unfortunately, in today’s world, as it has been since the beginning of time, most people add inches to the body as they get older, grow weaker with less muscle tone, and get flabby all over. This age old trend is considered normal and unchangeable. Even young people, starting at about age 25, are concerned with wrinkles, the visible signs of aging. So the question for age management specialists like Dr. Nick Delgado and Dr. Michael Bedics is how to get and keep that perfect body.


[Video] The Truth Behind Vaccinations Revealed

[sharify] The whole vaccination issue is fueled by big pharma, propaganda, and an ever influencing state. America has the highest schedule of vaccinations and spends more on healthcare then anywhere else in the entire world, and yet we are the sickest nation. The chemicals in vaccines, our food, the water…they’re all contributing to our nations ever-declining health. Mandatory vaccinations dictated by the government, means a loss of a mother’s right to choose what is best for her own child. And when you dig a little deeper and do your own research, it becomes clear that vaccine mandating, is a matter of business and profitability – and not a matter of public health.


Frightening Birth Control Effects and the All-Natural Acne Solution

[sharify] An astounding 98{26cc0ed11e2bb6722aeee461b889fb0a3f7e0a26d72d2ac41cff8364d94a8d9c} of females are taking, or have taken birth control at some point in time and many women take it primarily for its acne-reducing properties. This is scary because the birth control is far from a benign substance; it can produce a plethora of negative side-effects, and cause health consequences that persist even after a woman stops taking it. Read-on to discover how the birth control helps acne, the ramifications of taking the pill, and the safe and natural alternative that will give you flawless skin for life.


The Scary Link Between Vaccinations, Infant Death, Autism, Ovarian Cancer and Allergies

[sharify] America currently has the highest vaccination schedule of anywhere in the world and it’s no coincidence that we also have skyrocketing rates of neurological disorders (ADD, ADHD, autism, epilepsy etc.) and autoimmune diseases (allergies, IBS, diabetes, lupus etc.). Vaccines are loaded with chemicals, heavy metals, preservatives and other toxic additives and since they are injected intramuscularly, they bypass the body’s natural filters. This causes the toxins to get lodged directly into our organs, where they can lead to a multitude of different health disorders. Below is pertinent information on how vaccinations effect our infants, and contribute to autism, allergies and other diseases; as well as insight on one of the most useless vaccinations created to-date.

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