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How to Balance Hormones Safely and Naturally

[sharify] Hormone imbalances are extremely common, yet they often remain undiagnosed, which is a shame because they can negatively impact virtually every aspect of a person’s health and wellbeing. If you have unexplainable symptoms such as fatigue, mood swings, irritability, depression, sexual issues, headaches, weight gain (especially around the midsection), cravings, or insomnia, you should have your hormone levels measured. If imbalances are identified, the following 7 steps can help to restore hormonal balance, shave years off your appearance, and dramatically increase your health and longevity.


Everything You Need To Know About the The Most Common H2 Therapy Delivery Methods

[sharify] Molecular hydrogen (H2) is gaining worldwide attention for its wide-range of therapeutic and health-promoting effects. This unique molecule has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-allergy, anti-fatigue and cell-protecting (cytoprotective) properties. [i] It is also the tiniest molecule on earth, which allows it to quickly and easily diffuse into all of the body’s cells. There are over 150 diseases that molecular hydrogen helps prevent and/or treat, and it does so without producing any harmful side-effects. There are many different delivery methods available for hydrogen therapy, and below is an explanation of the benefits and drawbacks of the 3 most common.


Are Hormones Ruining Your Relationship?

[sharify] Your hormones have a powerful effect on how you feel about and relate to your romantic partner. Testosterone, estrogen and oxytocin are particularly important hormones when it comes to relationship satisfaction because they affect your mood, your sense of connectivity, your patience and perhaps most importantly, your sex life. A healthy sex life is associated with greater happiness between couples and problems in the bedroom can spill over to every facet of your relationship. Below is an explanation of the causes and effects of hormone imbalances, and how you can prevent them from ruining your relationship.


What Makes Molecular Hydrogen Able To Produce Such Extraordinary Health Effects

[sharify] Molecular hydrogen, or H2, is simply hydrogen gas. It is 3 times more energy dense than gasoline, and humans can use it therapeutically by inhaling it, injecting it, or bubbling hydrogen gas in water and drinking it. In 2007 a study was published in Nature’s Medicine journal showing that H2 has selective antioxidant properties, and since then, interest in its unique medicinal properties has exploded worldwide. There are currently over 600 scientific publications that show the therapeutic benefits of hydrogen in over 170 different disease models, and it appears to benefit virtually every organ of the human body. Below is an explanation of what make molecular hydrogen so extraordinary and widely beneficial.


Hydrogen Therapy: How it Prevents Aging and Disease, and Who Can Safely Use It

[sharify] Molecular hydrogen is gaining global attention for its myriad of scientifically affirmed health benefits. Some supporters are even going so far as to declare it as the fountain of youth that humans have been seeking since the dawn of time. Such broad statements may raise skepticism but hundreds of studies conducted over the past decade alone confirm hydrogen therapy is not only safe, it is also highly effective for the treatment of numerous diseases, for enhancing sports performance, and for the promotion of optimal health and longevity.


6 Simple Techniques for Abolishing Cancer and Chronic Disease

[sharify] Chronic disease may just be the worst epidemic in the history of mankind. Here are some cold hard facts: Chronic disease is the leading cause of death and disability. The majority of Americans have at least one chronic disease. A whopping 75{26cc0ed11e2bb6722aeee461b889fb0a3f7e0a26d72d2ac41cff8364d94a8d9c} of the 3 trillion dollars spent annually on healthcare goes towards dealing with chronic disease.


PEMF – The Safe and Revolutionary Therapy that Reverses Disease and Transforms Health

[sharify] Pulsed electromagnetic fields, or PEMFs, is the term used to describe unique pulse, electromagnetic frequencies and intensities that are used therapeutically. There are thousands of scientific studies published on the restorative and health promoting benefits of PEMF therapy, and there are virtually no safety issues or adverse reactions associated with it. Read-on to discover everything you need to know about this ground-breaking therapy, and how it can help transform your mental, physical and emotional health.


The All-Natural, Completely Legal Compound that Will Propel You to Athletic Excellence

[sharify] Molecular hydrogen, or H2, is formed when two hydrogen atoms unite. H2 is the smallest and most mobile molecule on earth, which provides it with a unique ability to rapidly diffuse into human cells and tissues. H2 provides a wide range of scientifically proven therapeutic benefits, one of which is enhancing athletic performance. Since H2 is completely natural, athletes can receive its substantial benefits legally, and the best part is that it is completely safe and does not cause any adverse reactions. Read-on to learn how this unique and affordable therapy can take your sports performance to the next level, and what you need to know about purchasing an H2 supplement.


How to Safely Increase Testosterone Levels in Women

[sharify] Testosterone is thought of as a male sex hormone but it’s essential for both male and female health. While women require lower levels of the hormone than men, it is necessary to balance energy levels, mood, cognition, and sex drive; and it helps maintain muscle and bone mass. If your testosterone levels drop too low, you will suffer unnecessarily with cumbersome side-effects. Read-on to discover how to identify low testosterone levels, and how to increase it naturally.


The Revolutionary 5-Step Model for Preventing Aging and Disease

[sharify] Far too many people take a passive approach to their health and aging, and feel like victims of an unlucky lottery when disease strikes. In reality, how you age, how long you live, and whether or not you will suffer with a chronic disease, is largely in your control. The following 5-step antiaging model takes a restorative approach to antiaging. By focusing on correcting imbalances before they cause symptoms and disease, this model will allow you to live a productive, happy, healthy and disease-free life. It will also help you to look years younger than your age and to maintain full cognitive capabilities right to the end.

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