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How to Prevent Chronic Disease

How to Prevent Chronic Disease A whopping of adults over 65, have at least one chronic health condition. The good news is that chronic diseases


The Super Compound That You’ve Probably Never Heard About and Need to Be Taking

[sharify] When two hydrogen atoms combine, it forms molecular hydrogen, which is also referred to as hydrogen gas, and commonly shortened to H2. H2 therapy can be used for a vast array of preventative and therapeutic health purposes. And the benefits aren’t merely speculative — hundreds of scientific studies have been published on H2’s ability to halt the aging process, and to prevent and treat numerous diseases. H2 is so unique and effective for such as wide-range of conditions, because its tiny molecular size allows it to act at the cellular level and to cross the blood-brain barrier.


How Adrenal Fatigue Negatively Effects Your Emotions and Personality

[sharify] The adrenal glands are the energy centers of your body, and they produce over 50 hormones that are essential for life. They play a major role in the management of stress, and release hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline in response to perceived threats. Fight or flight situations were rare in our ancestral past but modern-day living exposes us to emotional and physical stressors that are practically inescapable. Ongoing, chronic stress forces the adrenalin glands into overdrive and the constant output of stress hormones can lead to adrenal fatigue.


Four Lifestyle Tweaks Necessary For Beating Estrogen Dominance

[sharify] Estrogen dominance is a hormonal health condition that occurs when estrogen levels become too high in relation to progesterone. It can lead to a host of troublesome side-effects, accelerate aging, and increase the risk for many chronic diseases, including: obesity, hormonal cancers, acne, autoimmune disorders, depression, endometriosis, impotence, and cardiovascular disease.  Due to the ubiquity of xenoestrogens (chemicals in the environment that mimic estrogen), most people over the age of thirty-five have some form of estrogen dominance.


Estrogen Dominance In Men: How It Is Ruining Your Health And Virility, And What You Need To Do To Prevent It

[sharify] Estrogen dominance is a hormonal disorder that occurs when estrogen levels are either too high, or when other hormones that are required to balance out estrogen become too low. It is often thought of as a female-only disorder, however men can suffer with it as well, and overexposure to estrogen-like compounds (xenoestrogens), have made estrogen dominance increasingly common among men and women of all ages. Estrogen dominance is rarely diagnosed, and failing to identify it can have a dramatic and damaging effect on all aspects of a person’s health.


Why Even Young Women Need to Worry About Hormone Imbalances and How You Can Safely Reverse Them

[sharify] Female hormone imbalances are most often associated with menopause; however, they can strike at any age, and significant imbalances have become increasingly common by the age of 30. If left unaddressed, hormone imbalances can wreak havoc on every aspect of your mental, emotional and physical health. They also accelerate the aging process, which can leave you looking and feeling much older than you actually are. Fortunately, once identified, imbalances can be reversed simply and safely, and doing so will help to restore health and youthful vitality.

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