The attainment of wealth, a great relationship partner and constantly and ever improving health requires dedication, discipline and action on a daily even an hourly basis.
The focus cannot just be on the outcome as we fail forward without feeling self conscious to expand our past limits.
This approach is of great inspiration to me because I have known personal development experts and practiced daily success habits for over 20 years.
You will find the best mentors have failed terribly yet came back stronger and eventually do succeed regardless of the odds against them.
Expect to fail after first try do it again with a different approach until you succeed
- People who are successful believe they are Superior in their knowledge and abilities to others including the competition -They expect to success
- Shockingly these same successful people feel inferior to others – which makes them always striving to be better because they are never satisfied. The Rollings Stones “I can’t get No, SATISFACTION”
- These Successful people have a powerful ability to avoid temptations, distractions because they have a high level of Impulse control. They are able to focus on the things that matter most in pursuit of their goals. They can “delay gratification” and they accept rewards only after they have accomplished or overcome difficult challenges.
I know in the personal development space. I read the book “Supreme Influence: Change Your Life with the Power of the Language” where my story is told of how I broke in my 50’s the all time world record for curl and press overhead. This is a record that still stands of 59,560 lbs lifted over head in one hour! My second world record was when I was in my 60’s of the curl record with 50 lbs, of 1038 curls in one hour. How did I break world records of men half my age while I was past the age 60?
First I felt I am “superior to my competition” because by applying all 7 Codes of health I knew I could restore my hormone levels to youthful levels with natural herbal supplements. See DelgadoProtocol.com for the supplements I take on a daily basis to be improving everyday.
My energy is incredible. LeBron James, the basketball player who will break the record of the greatest scorer of all time in the NBA says He still competes against men younger than him, by following a healthy diet rich in plant based foods. He also makes sure he gets enough sleep which combined with daily weight training he improves his hormone levels and performance.
To overcome feeling inadequate has taken a process of timeline journey to let go of limiting beliefs and negative emotions. This has allowed me to feel happy even while pursuing goals at the highest level. This has allowed me to set higher standards as I associate with other successful mentors in areas that I have been weak in, until I master their skills and habits.
I accept the process of rewards, compliments and happiness, including satisfaction with my improved performance. How about you? Do you feel successful? Are you at your ideal body weight? What will you do differently for 2023 that you did not do in prior years?
Each sentence of this book and my newest book release “How to Look & Feel Great at any Age” How to Stop Aging Now* is written with such depth helping our subconscious mind to gain new insights of letting go of limiting beliefs and negative emotions.
I have benefited by attending each one of the events by Niurka, Tony Robbins, Author of “Life Force” and Loral Langermier Author of “How to make your Kids Millionaires” However my ultimate return has been providing weekly events as we interview these successful mentors for you every Wednesday night.
These live in person and now my virtual courses which include famous successful doctors and authors every Wednesday 5-630 pm PST. Call our office M-Sat 8 am to 4 pm PST to enroll now and attend this exciting weekly event. A VIP program will be offered next this month which includes all replays going back one full year.
You will feel compelled to refer your best friends, clients and family to help them go beyond their expectations.
Visit this quiz https://DelgadoProtocol.com/Evaluation to be accepted into the first complimentary session at no charge. The monthly Mentoring program includes weekly for less than you invest in Netflix and with far greater return for the success, health. Wealth and relationships.