CoronaVirus: 5 Natural Steps to Strengthen the Immune System and Combat Viral Infections
The current rise in coronavirus cases prompts a closer look at effective preventive measures. While conventional wisdom leans towards pharmaceutical interventions, research indicates that prioritizing a plant-based diet, hormonal equilibrium, and immune system fortification offers superior virus defense.
Studies demonstrate that individuals adhering to a vegan lifestyle tend to contract and recover from viruses more efficiently, owing to their well-optimized immune systems supported by proper nutrition.
The following steps outline natural strategies to prevent and recover from the coronavirus:

CoronaVirus: Strengthening Immunity with Plant-Based Nutrition
An oil-free, whole foods, plant-based diet enriched with fruits, vegetables, plant-based proteins, and omega fatty acids (found in coconut and seeds) stands as an optimal immune-boosting diet. This nutritional approach furnishes essential nutrients, and antioxidants, and fosters a healthy gut microbiome critical in defending against viruses and other pathogens.
CoronaVirus: Bolstering Immunity Through Various Measures
Boosting immunity involves a multifaceted approach encompassing hormonal support, protein peptides, supplementation, probiotics, fiber intake, whole foods nutrition, sufficient sleep, and regular exercise.
S.H.I.N.E.: 5 Potent Steps to Rejuvenate the Immune System
Individuals grappling with weakened immunity or chronic fatigue can employ the S.H.I.N.E. framework:

S – Sleep and Stress Management
Quality sleep and stress reduction are pivotal in fighting infections. Adhering to sleep hygiene practices and minimizing stress through various techniques like prayer, neuro reprogramming, and NLP can significantly enhance immune function.
H – Hormones and Peptides
- Most people will benefit from herbs that support healthy adrenal function and build immune function at the same time found in
- Adrenal DMG
- Insulin Mitochondria and LivD-Tox.
- Support hormone balance with Estroblock or DHT Block; as well as TestroVida and Testrogenesis cream.
- See take the hormone quiz to find out if you are at risk for illness.
I – Infection Immunity
- Use a dental dam and condoms to prevent the spread of viruses during oral sex and intercourse.
- If you have a cold or flu, wear a mask to reduce the spread of the virus.
- Use professional-strength silver rinse before and after contact. We offer Silver gel toothpaste.
- Take Adrenal DMG daily – it contains small amounts of cortisol to boost immunity, as well as several herbs that have natural and potent antiviral properties, including Echinacea, Astragalus Root, Licorice Root, and Lomatium.
- Use hand sanitizers. (Natural nontoxic version – Witch Hazel (⅔ cup), Aloe Vera (2 tables), Tea Tree oil (20 drops), or Lavender if the smell of Tea Tree is too strong).
- Take Vitamin C found in Beet Vitality.
- Neuro Ortho Stem also will support a stronger immune system.
N – Nutrition and Nutraceutical Support
- Animal-based foods are loaded with harmful microbes and the highest risk for microbe exposure comes from animal-based foods (pork & chicken).
- According to the United Nations, 70% of new human diseases originated in animals and many of those were directly linked to animals used for food.
- The best diet is whole, unprocessed, and plant-based. It needs to be oil-free and sugar-free.
- Summary of best immune-enhancing supplements:
- Adrenal DMG
- Insulin Heart Mitochondria (contains Berberine, Lycopene).
- Neuro Ortho “Stem Enhancer”. Medicinal mushrooms.
- Hormone Cleanse Pro – DIM 259.
- LivDtox with apricot seed (Apricot seed is not available on Amazon, only at our site)
- Beet Vitality or Stay Young AM
- Organic CBD Hemp oil. (call our office at 949-720-1554 to get the best potency)
E – Exercise –
Gentle progressive increases in several reps to 50 for each exercise, using light weights and medium-distance walking at a pace that does not over-tax your body. Combine these 5 steps of SHINE which ties into my ongoing endorsement of the 4 key ways to achieve longevity 1) Detoxify 2) nutrify 3) Fortify 4) mind
Contact Nick Delgado, PhD, ABAAHP, medical correspondent, and contributor to Anti-Aging Therapeutics. A publication of the A4M. email phone 1-949-720-1554
- U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of pneumococcal disease: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR 1997,46(RR-08);1-24
- Gibson A, Edgar J, Neville C, et al. Effect of fruit and vegetable consumption on immune function in older people: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012,96(6):1429-36
- Hooper LV. You AHR what you eat: linking diet and immunity. Cell. 2011;147(3):489-91
- Nieman DC. Moderate exercise improves immunity and decreases illness rates. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2011;5(4):338-45.
- Nieman DC. Exercise Effects on Systemic Immunity. Immunol Cell Biol. 2000;78(5):496-501
- Talbott S, Talbott J. Effect of BETA 1, 3/1,6/ Glucan on upper respiratory tract infection symptoms and mood state in marathon athletes. J Sports Sci Med.2009 Dec 1;8(4);509-15
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Deaths: final data for 2013 table 10. Number of deaths from 113 selected causes. National Vital Statistics Report. 2016;64(2)
- Hoffman S, Batz MB, Morris Jr. JG. The annual cost of illness and quality-adjusted life year losses in the United States due to 14 foodborne pathogens. J Food Prot. 2012;75(7):1292-302
- Inventing the AIDS viruses by Peter Deusberg
- Safe Uses of Cortisol by William M Jeffries