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Hydrogen Therapy: How it Prevents Aging and Disease, and Who Can Safely Use It

Dr. Nick Delgado

Dr. Nick Delgado

Helping people with their journey to health, happiness and their goals in career, relationships and longevity.

Hydrogen Therapy: How it Prevents Aging and Disease, and Who Can Safely Use It

Molecular hydrogen is gaining global attention for its myriad of scientifically affirmed health benefits. Some supporters are even going so far as to declare it as the fountain of youth that humans have been seeking since the dawn of time. Such broad statements may raise skepticism but hundreds of studies conducted over the past decade alone confirm hydrogen therapy is not only safe, it is also highly effective for the treatment of numerous diseases, for enhancing sports performance, and for the promotion of optimal health and longevity.

What It Is

Hydrogen therapy uses molecular hydrogen, (also referred to as H2, and hydrogen gas), for health promoting and disease fighting purposes. Molecular hydrogen is a naturally occurring molecule that is formed when two hydrogen atoms combine and share their electrons. Molecular hydrogen is the smallest element in the universe, and its tiny size allows it to quickly permeate and penetrate all of the body’s tissues, mitochondria and cells; to cross the blood-brain barrier, and to regulate gene expression.

Health and Longevity Applications:


Molecular hydrogen is a powerful antioxidant, that helps to defend genes from damage and death caused by harmful free radicals. It is superior to other antioxidants because it has a unique ability to scavenge only the harmful free radicals, while leaving the helpful ones which are required for proper immune function, intact.[i] H2 also has anti-apoptotic effects, which means it helps prevent cell death and to maintain DNA and RNA health. These two properties, in combination with its anti-inflammatory properties help enhance longevity because all of aging relates to tissue degeneration, oxidative stress and inflammation.

Disease Prevention

Inflammation in combination with oxidative stress, are the root causes of most, if not all chronic diseases, and H2 fights both.[ii] There are currently 150 different diseases in which molecular hydrogen appears to exert a beneficial effect. Some of the most common diseases that H2 may help prevent or reverse include: cardiovascular disease, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, diabetes, allergies, osteoporosis, chronic inflammation, atherosclerosis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and cancer.

 H2 Safety

At this point you may be thinking anything that can provide such a myriad of powerful health effects, must surely have drawbacks because if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. H2 is the exception to the rule however — it is completely non-toxic and there are virtually no adverse effects associated with it, even in high doses. H2 is so safe because anytime you eat non-digestible fibers, your intestinal bacteria produce hydrogen gas, so there is always a base level of hydrogen gas in your blood and breath. Also, when H2 is broken down in the body, the byproduct is simply water (H20).

Who Can Use H2 Therapy

Since H2 therapy has such a high safety-profile, and produces such a wide-range of positive health effects, virtually everyone can use it and benefit from it, regardless of age or health status. H2 is so safe, that scientists are currently studying it as a therapeutic aid for terminally ill cancer patients and for pediatric leukemia.[iii] [iv] It is also being investigated as a potential therapy for infants and neonates, to reduce asphyxia, which is a condition that causes a deprivation of oxygen that lasts long enough to cause physical harm, usually to the brain.[v] Further confirming its safety-profile is the fact that it’s being studied for use in pregnant women for the management of preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure that can have fatal complications for both mother and fetus.[vi]

*If you would like to receive the tremendous anti-aging, energy boosting and disease-fighting benefits of H2, you can purchase H2 Pure Energy Tablets here:







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