Coronavirus Protection Guide: Effective Measures to Reduce Your Risk
The global surge in coronavirus cases is alarming, with projections indicating widespread impact in the US by mid to late March and April. This unprecedented snake-associated virus poses a unique threat as humans lack prior exposure, leaving us vulnerable. As scientists delve into understanding clinical virology, conventional medicine struggles to provide immediate solutions.

How the Coronavirus Virus is Spread
The virus isn’t spread in the air, it lives on surfaces. It is spread in large droplets by coughing and sneezing, and all the surfaces where droplets land are infectious for about a week. The virus infects your lungs and you contract it only if your unprotected face is directly coughed or sneezed upon, or if you touch a contaminated surface and then touch your nose or mouth.
You may think the solution is simple then – “I’ll just stop touching my face,” but this isn’t an effective solution as we touch our faces two dozen times an hour, and 44 percent of that touching involves contact with the eyes, nose, or mouth. Most of the time we touch our faces without even realizing it, and we can’t control what we aren’t aware of. You are not powerless against the coronavirus however, there are several actions you can take, to dramatically reduce your risk of contracting it.
8 Precautionary Steps to Reduce Your Risk:
- Avoid shaking hands; use fist bumps instead.
- Use your knuckles to hit elevator buttons etc.
- Carry paper towels or disposable gloves with you and use them to lift the gasoline dispenser, turn on lights in public spaces and to open doors, flush toilets, turn sinks on and off, etc.
- Open doors with your legs, hips, or closed fist if you forgot to bring paper towels/gloves.
- Use disinfectant wipes at stores and public spaces when they are available; if you plan to use a grocery cart bring wipes with you and wipe first.
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 10-20 seconds and/or use hand sanitizer whenever you return home from public spaces and ideally whenever you have touched anything in public spaces with your bare hands.
- Keep a bottle of sanitizer that’s at least 60% alcohol available in your car and at each of your home’s entrances; or better yet, in your pocket or purse.
- When possible, cough and sneeze into a disposable tissue and discard it. Using your elbow isn’t recommended as the clothing on your elbow can contain the infectious virus for up to a week.
6 Products to Stock-up On:
- Disposable latex or nitrile gloves.
- Disposable surgical masks – these won’t prevent the virus in a direct sneeze from getting into your nose or mouth, however, they will prevent you from unconsciously touching your nose and mouth.
- Hand sanitizers that are alcohol-based and greater than 60% alcohol (anything less and it won’t be effective).
- Zinc lozenges – they’ve been proven to be effective in blocking viruses from multiplying in your throat and nasopharynx. If you begin to feel any cold-like symptoms, take them several times throughout the day, ideally while lying down.
- Take Testrovida Pro daily, it contains 3 different types of bioavailable zinc to boost immunity, as well as cordyceps, astragalus, cinnamon bark, ginseng, and several other herbs that activate your body’s natural defense system.
- Get Testro Genesis Cream and apply it to your neck and chest area daily. It contains bioavailable zinc, DIM, and DHEA to bolster your immune system, as well as the natural antivirals – alpha-lipoic acid, lavender, and vitamin B2. Because it is a cream, it gets directly absorbed through your skin into your bloodstream, which leads to immediate and notable results.
For more in-depth information on how to protect yourself from the coronavirus, watch my video here: