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How to Prevent and Reverse Baldness, Simply, Safely, and Naturally

Dr. Nick Delgado

Dr. Nick Delgado

Helping people with their journey to health, happiness and their goals in career, relationships and longevity.

How to Prevent and Reverse Baldness, Simply, Safely, and Naturally

A full head of hair is a symbol of youth and vitality, and when it starts receding, thinning, or falling out, it can markedly effect appearance and self-esteem. A whopping 40 of men have noticeable hair loss by 35, and 80 of men have pronounced hair loss by age 80. Woman suffer with hair loss as well, and 80 nof women will have obvious hair loss by age 60.  Many people simply accept hair thinning and receding as an unavoidable part of life, but it doesn’t have to be. Hair changes are an outward sign of aging, and they are caused by changes that are taking place inside of your body. This is good news, because it means you can help prevent, and sometimes even reverse hair loss with simple lifestyle techniques.

Hormonal Hair Loss: Causes and Solutions

Hormone imbalances are a chief cause of hair loss. If you want to prevent or reverse hair loss, you should have a hormone specialist measure your hormones in order to identify and correct any imbalances. Below is a list of the hormones that effect hair and supplements you can take to restore optimal balance.


DHT is a powerful androgen (sex hormone) – and it is considered the main cause of hair loss in both men and women. DHT attaches itself to the receptor cells on hair follicles, preventing the follicles from receiving the nutrients that they require for hair to grow, which causes hair to grow at a slower rate. People who are genetically predisposed to hair loss, have hair follicles that are particularly sensitive to the effects of DHT, and DHT sensitivity is considered the primary cause of male pattern baldness. Estrogen helps to reduce DHT levels by preventing the conversion of testosterone into DHT. The fact that women have much higher estrogen levels than men, explains why men tend to suffer with noticeable hair loss far more often and far earlier in life than women. The natural decline of estrogen that takes place at menopause also explains why many women start to notice hair loss post-menopause.

The Supplement Solution

DHT Block contains beta sitosterol which is a plant compound that helps to dramatically reduce DHT levels. It also contains polyphenols that stabilize insulin, which is beneficial (particularly for women with PCOS) because high insulin levels can accelerate hair loss. Finally, it contains DIM which helps to shift the production of estrogens from bad to good (the benefits of which are explained below).


Estrogen levels play a major role in hair loss but how estrogen effects your hair is somewhat complicated. Too much of the wrong type of estrogen – estradiol (which is the estrogen responsible for hormonal cancers), causes a very common, and massively underdiagnosed condition called estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance interferes with thyroid function, which in turn causes hair loss. Too little estrogen is equally problematic, especially if you are low in the good, healthy estrogen –estriol (which actually reduces the risk for hormonal cancers such as breast cancer). Estrogen helps to extend the growth phase of hair, stimulate new hair growth, and protect against hair loss, primarily because it helps to prevent testosterone from converting into DHT.

The Supplement Solution

EstroBlock is highly recommended for reversing hair loss caused by estrogen imbalances because it reduces harmful estradiol and simultaneously increases helpful estriol ( If your estriol levels are low, we recommend also using an estriol cream for optimal hormone balancing and hair growth benefits.

*For more information on estrogen dominance and how to reverse it naturally:

Thyroid Hormones

Hair growth depends on the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and thyroid disorders can cause a type of hair loss that effects the entire scalp (as opposed to specific areas, which is typically seen in people with high DHT levels). Autoimmune thyroid disease can also cause alopecia, which can lead to significant baldness. It’s important to note that many thyroid tests only measure TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and fail to test for the thyroid hormone T3. Even if your TSH levels are in optimal range, you may still be low in T3 because of an inability to properly convert the thyroid hormone –T4 into T3. You should consider having this test done if you have the top most common symptoms of an underactive thyroid which includes: cold hands and feet, fatigue, and weight gain.

Supplement Solution

If your TSH or T3 levels are on the low end, Westhroid, which has T3 & T4 can help restore thyroid function.  People with low thyroid and hair loss issues also tend to have low adrenal function. Adrenal support with Adrenal DMG will improve energy and immunity and may help reduce the symptoms associated with an underactive thyroid.  A B-complex vitamin and diet rich in antioxidants may be beneficial if you have an overactive thyroid; while plant sterols, lemon balm, and l-carnitine as well as the avoidance of sugar and gluten is recommended if you have autoimmune thyroid disease.

*If you have a thyroid disorder, it is important that you work alongside a qualified healthcare practitioner, in order to safely and effectively restore thyroid function and hair growth.

2 Bonus Supplement Suggestions


#1) Growth factors can also improve hair growth and retention. Grow Young contains B12, lysine and proprietary growth factors, to help support natural hair growth.


#2) GROH capsules contain a blend of 6 special medicinal mushrooms that replenish the body’s essential building blocks, reduce inflammation, and improve hair and scalp health at the cellular level.

Dietary Suggestions

The right diet can help restore hair by balancing hormones, providing the essential nutrients required for optimal hair growth; and reducing inflammation (which can clog-up the hair follicles and accelerate hair loss). Focus on consuming a whole-foods based diet, high in fresh fruits and vegetables. Eliminate or vastly reduce soy products because they increase harmful estradiol levels; and animal products because they increase inflammation and also cause hormonal imbalances. Reduce your intake of dietary fats (especially vegetable oils) and increase your intake of fiber. This will help to decrease fat in the gut and increase fiber in the intestines, which in turn, will draw bile and other toxins that cause hair loss out of the system. Finally, eliminate sugar, junk food, alcohol, and caffeine from your diet. These foods increase inflammation and stress levels, and damage the liver; all of which accelerates hair loss.


The Simply Healthy Cookbook is an indispensable tool for anyone embarking on this new diet. It is chockfull of delicious, nutrient-dense recipe ideas that will help you seamlessly implement healthy eating into your busy life:



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