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What Makes Molecular Hydrogen Able To Produce Such Extraordinary Health Effects

Dr. Nick Delgado

Dr. Nick Delgado

Helping people with their journey to health, happiness and their goals in career, relationships and longevity.

[sharify] Molecular hydrogen, or H2, is simply hydrogen gas. It is 3 times more energy dense than gasoline, and humans can use it therapeutically by inhaling it, injecting it, or bubbling hydrogen gas in water and drinking it. In 2007 a study was published in Nature’s Medicine journal showing that H2 has selective antioxidant properties, and since then, interest in its unique medicinal properties has exploded worldwide. There are currently over 600 scientific publications that show the therapeutic benefits of hydrogen in over 170 different disease models, and it appears to benefit virtually every organ of the human body. Below is an explanation of what make molecular hydrogen so extraordinary and widely beneficial.

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What Makes Molecular Hydrogen Able To Produce Such Extraordinary Health Effects

Molecular hydrogen, or H2, is simply hydrogen gas. It is 3 times more energy dense than gasoline, and humans can use it therapeutically by inhaling it, injecting it, or bubbling hydrogen gas in water and drinking it. In 2007 a study was published in Nature’s Medicine journal showing that H2 has selective antioxidant properties, and since then, interest in its unique medicinal properties has exploded worldwide. There are currently over 600 scientific publications that show the therapeutic benefits of hydrogen in over 170 different disease models, and it appears to benefit virtually every organ of the human body. Below is an explanation of what make molecular hydrogen so extraordinary and widely beneficial.

Understanding Free Radicals

To understand why molecular hydrogen is so beneficial you must first understand free radicals and the role they play in the body. Free radicals contain an unpaired electron and they constantly try to steal electrons from other atoms or molecules in order to fill their outer shell. This attribute makes them very reactive and when free radical levels climb too high they cause measurable damage to the DNA, RNA, proteins and cell membranes. The damage caused by excess free radicals plays a major role in aging and in the development of virtually every disease and pathology.

Free Radical Sources

Unfortunately, free radicals are unavoidable — they are in the polluted air we breathe (both inside and outside the home), in the toxic foods we eat, in cleaning and personal care products, in industrial solvents, in heavy metals, in radiation, and in most prescription drugs. Even normal bodily processes such as cellular metabolism and food processing produce free radicals, and 2 to 3 of all the oxygen you breath turns into them as well. 

Molecular Hydrogen Versus Other Antioxidants

Antioxidants such as those found in berries, green tea and artichokes help to scavenge free radicals and prevent them from causing damage and death to the body’s cells and DNA. The problem with antioxidants is that they scavenge all free radicals indiscriminately which can actually cause more harm the good. Some free radicals (such as nitric oxide) are non-toxic and are required by the body for proper functioning. These helpful free radicals act as essential signaling molecules that help support white blood cell health which is important for immunity, and help widen blood vessels, which improves blood circulation and heart health. Molecular hydrogen is so special because it acts intelligently as a selective antioxidant, scavenging only the toxic free radicals that damage the cells and DNA.

Bioavailability of Molecular Hydrogen

Bioavailability is the proportion of a substance that is absorbed and utilized by the part of the body that needs reparation. No matter how healthful a medicinal substance may be, if it is not bioavailable it is useless. Free radicals mainly occur inside mitochondria which are the organelle inside of the cells that produce cellular energy, and many antioxidants are not very bioavailable because they are too big to enter the mitochondria. Hydrogen on the other hand, is the smallest molecule in the universe and its tiny size allows it to quickly and easily diffuse into the mitochondria to stop the damage that is occurring. Further enhancing its bioavailability is the fact that it has a non-polar charge. Its neutral nature allows it to diffuse through the cells and neutralize free radicals with ease. Its molecular properties also allow it to cross the blood-brain barrier, where it optimizes brain health and protects against cognitive decline. 

Safety Profile 

Molecular hydrogen is not only effective at slowing aging and helping prevent disease, it’s also extremely safe. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs and regular antioxidants, there are no harmful byproducts from molecular hydrogen – it is simply broken down into water. Other antioxidants give their electrons to neutralize free radicals, and in so doing, they have the potential to become harmful themselves. In contrast, molecular hydrogen reacts with toxic hydroxyl radicals, converts them into water, and then becomes water itself. Adding to its safety is the fact that hydrogen gas is natural to our bodies – every time we eat non-digestible carbohydrates, they’re metabolized by intestinal microflora into hydrogen gas. 


Even though we naturally have hydrogen in our blood and breath, increasing those levels through inhalation or hydrogen-rich water produces therapeutic effects for the vast majority.

Even those who don’t experience obvious effects (pain reduction, energy enhancement, enhanced brain function etc.), will still benefit from its selective antioxidant properties. When looking to purchase hydrogen products, it’s important to realize that hydrogen is hyped-up right now and many companies are trying to cash-in by selling inferior products that don’t contain enough (or any) hydrogen gas. Without a high enough concentration, the therapeutic effects will not be produced. For a clinically effective dose of molecular hydrogen, that is safe, easy and affordable, you can purchase hydrogen-water infusing tablets here:






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