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Dr. Nick Delgado

Dr. Nick Delgado

Helping people with their journey to health, happiness and their goals in career, relationships and longevity.

Does staying up late at night up on non- school days affect a child’s behavior and happiness? Let’s help our kids locate their passion and “Grit”.

On December 23, one of my kids said he was up late the night before playing video games. On Christmas Eve, December 24, this child was sleepy and actually broke down crying for a long spell. A child’s sleep requirements and his or her behaviors are clearly associated with getting to bed late.

Studies cited by educators suggest that even if a person or child gets eight hours of sleep, going to bed late (past midnight or even past his normal bedtime schedule of 8 or 9 p.m. at the latest) will not only make it difficult to wake the child up at 6:30 am to get him back on schedule, but it also affects his health.

Do your kids have frequent colds or flu? Do they miss school days or work? Could it be they are dehydrated and need more fresh fruit, plant based, dairy-free, animal-free foods and more outdoor activities? All of these, as well as lack of sleep, affects one’s immune system.

A child may state he or she is bored more often with school after being up late. Children are also more likely to cry from emotional triggers, even from seemingly small things, such as another child getting a larger present for Christmas. Especially during holiday times, when stress levels of both parents and children can run high, too little sleep can upset a child to the point of tears.

Kids on the autism spectrum or those with ADD/ADHD appear to be affected more by loud noises, including loud open joyous laughter during the holiday get- together, possibly because of diet changes, lack of exercise, and lack of sleep. These are issues of concern that we need to address with your child.

Sorry for the long letter here, yet our child’s happiness and health and your children’s quality of life needs to be addressed.

Do your children have a continued preference for video games over outdoors activities? Let’s please agree to a consistent sleep schedule, even naps if needed, and encourage more outdoor exercise. Are your kids gaining weight above the ideal, and are they easily winded when doing normal daily activities?

Maybe we can encourage our kid to keep a food log to address their diet and assist them as their teachers request more journaling time. If you are opposed to kids going to private school then let’s address their needs in a more realistic approach without avoiding the real issues.

Kids have a rigorous homework schedule. They are expected to keep up with JJ in math and Lexia in school, as well as schedule sufficient reading time at home. Children need books and audible books that open their eyes to their passion and his or her grit, the new buzzword coined by psychologist Angela Duckworth which she defines as the power of passion and perseverance. [You can watch her TED Talk at…/ted-talks-grit-the-power-of-passion-and-perseverance Can we locate more videos on this subject and of interest to your child to share with our kids to find Their true passion and a career that they will enjoy?

I don’t need to lecture you that as parents we have a responsibility to help our kids to seek their passion and enjoy life away from non productive video games. It is wonderful that some moms spends time with their kids teaching them to sing and learn songs. Your child may have a further interest in the arts which a private school will address as they offer music classes as part of their curriculum.

As the father of five wonderful children and as a busy intense entrepreneur, I heard Wayne Dyer once state: finding quality time for your kids and loved ones is important because they watch what you do, not just what you say! Be a good role model express love ❤️ joy and passion for life – be strong be happy

Are you as happy and healthy as you can be?

PS: Please attend our coming classes on NLP hypnosis timeline therapy to achieve your life’s dreams, success, love and incredible health. January 6 and 7 in Los Angeles, with Kaya Redford and Dr. Nick Delgado.

Costa Mesa events to be announced


Recommended reading books by Wayne Dyer:

What do you really want for your kids?

Incredible You! 10 ways to let your greatness shine through

It’s not what you got

Unstoppable Me

I Am: Why two little words mean so much

The power of intention by Wayne Dyer

Supreme Influence by Niurka

Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins
Sent by Dr. Nick Delgado, PHD, ABAAHP, CHT time line therapist, World Record holder

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