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Two Groundbreaking Screening Tools For the Prevention of Disease

Dr. Nick Delgado

Dr. Nick Delgado

Helping people with their journey to health, happiness and their goals in career, relationships and longevity.

Most conventional medicine screening tools fall short because they only identify a pathology once it has already progressed into a full-blown disease. The longer a pathology is allowed to develop without intervention, the harder it will be to treat. The following two non-invasive screening tools empower you to prevent disease by identifying internal imbalances that signify the beginnings of a specific disease or disorder. Once you are aware of it, you can make the appropriate lifestyle alterations in order to halt its progression.


Thermography is an imaging technique that uses infrared light to measure temperatures and energy exchange in an object. It can be used to scan all or parts of the human body, and it instantly provides a digitized image with a thermal map of the area that is scanned. The different colors on the thermal map indicate different levels of heat, and body temperatures are a very useful parameter for identifying imbalances, potential pathologies and disease. It’s an affordable, FDA-approved device that is superior to medical screening devices that use harmful radiation (mammograms, X-rays, CAT scans etc.) in a multitude of ways.

Firstly, it is safe and non-toxic; it does not damage the cells and DNA and promote cancer like radiation screening does. It’s also non-invasive, and can be used as a preventative health tool, because the heat patterns indicate inflammation and pathologies before they develop into a full-blown disease. It provides useful information on the state of your cardiovascular health and in contrast to radiation-based screening devices that can only detect cancer when a tumor has already developed, thermography can detect the beginning stages before a tumor starts to grow.

Thermography for Breast Cancer Detection

It is particularly beneficial for the early detection of breast cancer and far superior to mammograms. Thermography does not produce false positives like mammograms do. Also, you are subjected to a thousand times the dose of an X-ray every time you have a mammogram and that radiation promotes the very thing you are trying to avoid. And there is science to back this claim up – studies show there is a 15 higher rate of breast cancer in women who use mammograms regularly. Thermography can also identify precursors to breast cancer such as inflammation, excess estrogen, lymphatic congestion, or imbalances between the breasts.
*For more information on the benefits of thermography over mammography:

Blood Microscopy

Blood microscopy is a simple, and safe procedure where a small blood sample is taken and drops of it are examined under a microscope. Magnified images of the blood are provided on a screen for you to see and the shape, size, viscosity and consistency of your blood cells provides a lot of information about your current health status.

Blood microscopy can identify inflammation (c-reactive protein), oxidation, infections (chronic and acute), immune status, lipids, glucose levels, anemia and numerous other common conditions that lead to chronic disease. If for example, the blood cells are clumped together, it indicates high triglyceride levels, and an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke, insulin insensitivity and diabetes. Another benefit of blood microscopy is that it can be used to monitor how well a new diet, lifestyle or supplement protocol is working for you. You can take images before and after implementing healthy changes and the health effects will be reflected in your blood.

Blood Microscopy to Assess Oxidative Damage

Oxidative stress is caused when there is an excess of free radicals and not enough antioxidants to prevent those free radicals from damaging cells and DNA. When oxidative stress levels are chronically high, a breakdown of cells and tissues occurs, and this process is the root cause of aging, many chronic infections; cancer, arthritis, allergies, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and most other chronic diseases. Blood microscopy can be used to quantify the levels of free radical damage in dry blood samples. It does this by analyzing morphological configurations, which are primarily the result of the alterations in biological pathways or breakdown products caused by oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is not irreversible, seeing markers of it in your blood allows you to take action to reverse it before it progresses into a disease.

The Key to Achieving Healthy Thermography and Blood Screenings

The food you fuel yourself with impacts every cell of your body, and cleaning up your diet is the quickest, most effective way to transform your health. The ideal diet is an antioxidant-dense, wholefoods and plant-based diet. Consume raw, deeply colored fruits and vegetables; beans, spices, and herbs, plentifully – they are excellent sources of nutrients and antioxidants. Eliminate processed, packaged and fried foods, as well as sugar and all vegetable oils. The above diet will reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, reverse aging, and enhance longevity; and the beneficial transformations will be reflected in your blood and thermography screenings.

11 Additional Steps for Preventing Chronic Disease

1. Identify and reverse nutrient deficiencies (most of us have them because our soils are nutrient depleted, and our digestive systems are compromised)
2. Use high-quality supplements tailored towards your specific biochemical requirements (for a range of high quality, physician formulated supplements:
3. Identify and reverse hormone imbalances
4. Exercise regularly and include cardio, strength training and flexibility building activities
5. Reduce stress
6. Optimize sleep
7. Protect yourself from radiation (keep the cell phone away from your body when not in use, take an iodine supplement such as etc.)
8. Reprogram yourself for love and positivity (studies show the longest living individuals are optimistic, happy people)
9. Formulate deep, loving relationships
10. Maintain a sense of purpose and social connectivity
11. Utilize the power of the mind, with tools such as meditation, visualization, NLP therapy, hypnosis, EFT, positive affirmations, and LFC glasses

*The above steps are based on the web class, [ytp_video source=”_gEOcMKqzh8″]

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