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8 Regenerative Medicine Techniques for Reversing Aging and Chronic Disease

Dr. Nick Delgado

Dr. Nick Delgado

Helping people with their journey to health, happiness and their goals in career, relationships and longevity.


8 Regenerative Medicine Techniques for Reversing Aging and Chronic Disease

Discover effective strategies inspired by a conversation with board-certified Regenerative Medicine expert, Dr. Anna Cabeca, to actively maintain and restore your health. Follow these steps and make a positive impact on your overall well-being.

Step 1: Optimize Your Diet for Long-Term Health

Optimizing your diet is the first step because it not only affects your long-term health and chronic disease risk, it also has an immediate impact on your energy and how you feel. Focus on consuming whole foods, high-fiber, plant-based diet. Dark green and other deeply pigmented fruits and vegetables should be emphasized (deeper pigment usually signifies a greater nutrient content). Cruciferous vegetables should also be emphasized because they have powerful cancer-fighting properties and contain two special nutrients – DIM and I3C, which help reduce harmful estrogens.[i] Vastly reduce your intake of all animal products, anything that comes in a package, and vegetable oils. A healthy diet should never feel like a diet of deprivation, and the more variety you include, the less likely your taste buds will get bored. For hundreds of delicious, antiaging recipes, from different cuisines around the world, get a copy of my Simply Healthy Cookbook.


Step 2: Enhance Digestion for Nutrient Absorption

Prioritize digestive health by replenishing gut bacteria with a high-quality probiotic. Incorporate probiotic-rich vegan sources, such as fermented vegetables and coconut kefir. Adopt mindful eating habits, including chewing food thoroughly and consuming liquids separately. Consider adding raw apple cider vinegar for additional support.

Step 3: Prioritize Mental Health for Overall Well-being

Recognize the impact of mental health on physical well-being. Cultivate a positive mindset through daily meditation or self-hypnosis. Utilize tools like LFC glasses to aid in achieving a meditative state. Shift your perspective by empowering yourself with proactive questions and engaging in activities that promote positivity.

Step 4: Exercise Regularly for Physical and Mental Health

Regular exercise is a cornerstone of optimal health. Implement a well-balanced workout routine that includes cardiovascular, stretching, and strength training exercises. Consider incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for efficiency. Aim for a minimum of 200 minutes per week, exploring various activities and enjoying outdoor workouts for added benefits.

Step 5: Actively Detoxify for Better Health

Support your body’s natural detoxification process by reducing toxin exposure. Cut back on sugar, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. Opt for filtered water and organic personal care products. Stay hydrated, monitor urine color, and explore detoxifying supplements like Liv D-Tox for enhanced liver support.

Step 6: Balance Hormones for Aging Gracefully

Address hormone imbalances that commonly arise after 30. Identify symptoms like slow metabolism, fatigue, and moodiness. Consult with a functional medicine practitioner or use a hormone test kit to assess imbalances. Implement lifestyle changes and consider nutraceutical supplements to restore hormonal balance.

Step 7: Prioritize Intimacy for Relationship Longevity

Did you know that the frequency that you engage in sex plays a key role in determining not only your relationship longevity but also your life expectancy?[v] Daily sex is ideal, but the average adult has sex once a week at most, and frequency tends to decline as our relationships progress, and as we age.[vi] Many of Dr. Cabeca and my patients come to us and say, “I love my partner, but I just don’t feel like having sex! What is wrong with me?” There is no singular answer to that question – there’s usually a combination of factors at play. Hormone imbalances are a major contributor; and not just sex hormones, but also cortisol imbalances caused by chronic stress, and adrenal fatigue. Another problem is a lack of understanding among men, of what turns women on. Her sex drive will suffer if you are not catering to her motivations for sex. In addition to increasing sexual frequency, you should also increase the sensuality of your relationship and lovemaking. Touch each other whenever possible, give each other loving full-body massages, engage in extended foreplay, light candles, play sensual music, and do anything else that fosters connectivity and increases your sexual energy. For an all-encompassing guide on how to enhance sexual health and functioning and achieve mutual, orgasmic ecstasy, get the New Guide to Maximum Pleasure for Men, or the New Guide to Maximum Bliss for Women. Dr. Cabeca has also developed a fun and extremely effective program specifically for women who want to improve their libido and love-life, called Sexual CPR.

Step 8: Control Inflammation for Overall Well-being

Combat chronic inflammation, a root cause of degenerative diseases, by reducing stress and adopting the recommended steps. Incorporate anti-inflammatory herbs and spices like turmeric, garlic, and ginger into your diet. Address environmental toxins and prioritize quality sleep for effective inflammation control.

Follow these steps to actively contribute to your health and well-being. For women aged 35 and over, explore Dr. Cabeca’s restorative health program here.


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