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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women: The Health, Vitality and Longevity Creator

Dr. Nick Delgado

Dr. Nick Delgado

Helping people with their journey to health, happiness and their goals in career, relationships and longevity.

Hormone Replacement Therapy For Women: The Health, Vitality, and Longevity Creator

As women age hormone levels naturally decline and estrogen, prolactin and human growth hormone usually decrease significantly. Declining hormone levels are responsible for many menopausal symptoms and a slew of other symptoms commonly associated with aging, such as memory loss, irritability, fatigue, night sweats, loss of libido, reduced vaginal lubrication, bone density loss, reduction of skin elasticity, increased risk for cardiovascular disease, and urinary dysfunction. Fortunately, these symptoms can be prevented and/or reversed with the use of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).

Before starting hormone replacement therapy, it’s important that you first have your hormone levels tested by a physician, so that you know exactly which hormones need to be increased. Hormones to consider having tested include: cortisol, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH); DHEA, pregnenolone, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Estrogen is probably the most common deficiency amongst women of menopausal age, and is especially prevalent in thin women. Optimal estrogen levels help reduce your risk for heart disease and you need it for good memory and brain function. Low estrogen is why many menopausal women experience brain fog, memory lapses, fatigue, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and early morning awakening.

Although testosterone is commonly considered a ‘male hormone,’ it is also essential for female health, and by menopause, women usually have half as much as they did at their peak. If your levels are low you may experience exhaustion, weight gain, decreased libido, mood swings, anxiety and/or hair loss. If you are testosterone deficient, testosterone replacement therapy that supplies about 1/10th of what a male would take, can help to reverse those symptoms.
Once you discover which hormones you are deficient in, you should seek the help of a physician that prescribes bioidentical hormones (hormones that are molecularly identical to the ones found naturally in your body). Most conventional doctors will prescribe synthetic hormones, but you want to avoid these because they have been molecularly altered, which can lead to a slew of undesirable symptoms and can greatly damage your health. When used correctly, bioidentical hormones are completely safe and they can help you live a longer, healthier life. They come in the form of creams, patches, tablets and pellets. Avoid tablets because they have to pass through the liver before they are used by the body and the liver processes and changes them into an unnatural form. Also, pills are the only form of bioidentical hormones that do not help prevent cancer and heart disease.
Although creams and patches can be beneficial, pellets are by the far the best choice for BHRT. The problem with creams and patches is that they cause a rapid increase in hormone levels, followed by a quick decrease some hours later. Pellets, which are implanted under the skin, slowly dissolve, releasing little spurts of hormones throughout the day – mimicking exactly what happens naturally in the body. Clinical evidence suggests that the pellets are the most natural and effective form of BHRT and women generally feel better than ever when they are placed on the pellets.


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