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Are Oils Harmful to Your Body?

Dr. Nick Delgado

Dr. Nick Delgado

Helping people with their journey to health, happiness and their goals in career, relationships and longevity.

Are Oils Harmful to Your Body?

Did you know that the oils we have been ingesting for years are potentially harmful to our bodies? The oils we consume, for example, olive oil, concentrates in the body fat.

This means that although the pounds on the scale might be going down, the fat in our bodies still remains.

An experiment was conducted on a group of people who were challenged to consume only 800 calories a day. Keep in mind the average person is supposed to consume anywhere from 1400 to 2400 calories per day.

With the expectation of weight loss, it came as a surprise to these individuals in this experiment when they began gaining weight. This weight gain was caused by oils in the food they were consuming.

Scientists put a radioactive tracer on the fat to monitor the breakdown of their food. They came to the conclusion that every particle remained broken down to accept the oils. Scientists eventually traced the oils back to the fat storage cells, where they were being held.

Oil is very harmful to the body so much so that it is crucial to take precautionary measures and limit ourselves to the amount of oil we consume.

How do we get rid of the oils that are already stuck in the body? Luckily, within 48 hours of consuming these oils, the fat in the bloodstream begins clearing away.

For that stubborn fat that just can’t take a hint, there are strict diets that can help.

Eating a very aggressive diet can rid your body of that unwanted belly fat. Raw vegetables, fresh fruit, and above all, potatoes work like a charm when trying to lose fat.

The potato diet is perfect for those who are really trying to slim down. Potatoes are high in fiber and proteins, which helps to prevent or slow down free radical damage, or aging.

As long as we leave out the butter, sour cream, and other oils, the potato diet can be a very effective way to lose weight. The substitution of salt and pepper, garlic, or other spices can make for a very tasty treat.

A study was done to test this “potato theory”, they gave people ten potatoes a day, each potato is only 118 calories. After a course of three months, each person lost a massive amount of fat. In a matter of a year, one person even lost over 100 pounds of fat just by eating potatoes every day.

Just like with every other diet, it is also important to exercise. By participating in an exercise, that can spike your heart rate up for over thirty minutes, will also help the fat loss process. Another tip to know is the cooler your body is, the more fat you will lose. Keep the room nice and cold while working out, this will activate the thyroid and allow you to burn more calories.

Keep your hormone levels balanced, eat a vigorously healthy diet, exercise a couple of times during the week for at least thirty minutes, and get a proper amount of sleep. This will help melt away fat and shred those pounds like never before.

For more information on how to make healthy food choices and revolutionize your lifestyle, visit, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel at Simply Healthy TV.

The article was written by Jade Whelchel

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