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Animal Protein, Cholesterol, Stroke, Heart Attack, and Cancer: A Critical Health Blog

Dr. Nick Delgado

Dr. Nick Delgado

Helping people with their journey to health, happiness and their goals in career, relationships and longevity.

Did you know that your LDL cholesterol level is a predictor of your risk of developing cancer?
Yes, it’s true! Lab values may vary, but it’s the overall trend that must be observed. It has nothing to do with body weight per se—especially when it comes to high LDL cholesterol. Contrary to popular belief, having high levels of HDL (the “good” cholesterol) won’t protect you when your LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) is over 95, according to a Stanford study.

👉 This test kit will give you the most accurate review of your critical lab levels:

In fact, there are people who are extremely obese but have low cholesterol. You could be eating a lot of coconut oil, olive oil, and fats and still be overweight—like sumo wrestlers who eat one large meal per day, consisting mostly of soy and dense calories. They trick their bodies into starvation mode, causing them to retain calories and store fat.

Certainly, genetics plays a role in fat retention, but cholesterol is very specific. It is not just fat—it’s a hormone. Cholesterol is a waxy sterol that clogs the arteries when levels are dangerously high.

My father had a stroke at age 72, and I had one at the young age of 21. We got smart. We completely converted my father’s diet in his 80s to a plant-based, oil-free, sugar-free, and gluten-free regimen.

I’m not sure what your current diet looks like, but if it’s predominantly animal-based, ask yourself why. Is it just the belief that animal products are the best source of protein?

That’s far from the case. The new product SlimPlant Pro proves this point. It’s powered by yams, beets, and 35 natural, organic, whole-food ingredients:

Some people even use SlimPlant Pro in larger amounts as a full meal replacement. It’s a game-changer. This plant-based protein is absorbed more effectively by the body and builds muscle more efficiently.

Check out this video of Billy, Mr. Universe from Australia, who is fully plant-based. He states he recovers faster, trains more often, and is in peak physical condition!

Have you heard of Nimai Delgado, the pro bodybuilder who has never eaten meat, dairy, or cheese in his entire life? He’s 100% plant-based.

Let’s be real: There’s a massive agenda behind the meat and dairy industries. They’re bigger than the gas and oil industries—with lobbyists pushing government subsidies to keep the cost of meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy artificially low. The true cost? The highest rate of cardiovascular disease in the world.

You’re invited to our One-Day Immersion Course in Costa Mesa on Saturday, June 21, 2025.
✈️ Fly into SNA/OC John Wayne Airport—just 15 minutes away.
🎉 Join the VIP after-party (only $99), or register for General Admission ($5 or FREE virtually).

Watch this video to see what you’ll gain from this life-changing event with Dr. Nick Delgado & Dr. West:

In-person attendance is 100% more impactful than virtual. Virtual access only streams 3 hours of an 8-hour experience.
👉 Testimonials:

My father continues to inspire and guide people to take control of their health. This lifestyle shift can save you thousands of dollars—and prevent devastating health issues like strokes.

I would love to welcome you back into our coaching program. Kyle is no longer with us, as he’s working through his own health challenges. As we age, we all face new plateaus—but with the right guidance, we can achieve new heights.

Dr. Nick Delgado, now 70, is offering a mentorship program—normally $12,000 for a 4-day private coaching experience. After reviewing your file, he’s agreed to offer you a special discount for a full-year program.
Join here:
Catch us LIVE: Monday & Wednesday, 4 or 5 PM PST on YouTube

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We also recommend getting tested for cancer markers like CEA and HCG.
High ferritin can also be a cancer marker. The Dry Oxidative Stress Test detects your need for antioxidants (aka free radical scavengers). The most powerful antioxidant? Molecular Hydrogen.

👉 Get the Dry Blood Oxidative Stress Test kit today for just $199. It can uncover answers your doctor might have missed.

LDL cholesterol over 95 is high. HDL levels aren’t protective when LDL is elevated—confirmed by Stanford research.

Your genetic markers, like Alpha Protein A & B, are dangerously high. Most doctors will just prescribe statins—which can impair cognition.
Instead, try LipoBurn—a safe, effective alternative:
Use it daily with small dietary and lifestyle changes.

High prolactin levels are often a result of animal-based diets. SlimPlant Pro can help shift your dependency away from animal proteins while building a stronger physique.

I know this message might not be what you want to hear, especially with people like Dave Asprey promoting animal-heavy diets. But the truth is clear.

Dr. Garth Davis and Dr. Nick Delgado have laid it out—meat is linked to cancer:

Even Dr. Paul Saladino, once strictly carnivore, now consumes 300 grams of carbs daily (honey, rice, and fruit). He’s appeared on podcasts with Gary Brecka and Thomas DeLauer, but has yet to join Dr. Nick’s podcast, Beyond Human.

Dr. Nick and Dave Asprey disagree on one major factor: diet.
Both agree on supplements, peptides, and biohacking—but diet determines your lipid profile.

Dave will be joining Dr. Nick on Beyond Human soon to discuss biohacking, including peptides:

Just remember: people who tell you “cholesterol doesn’t matter” often have personal agendas—or haven’t studied the science. Visit:

Even legendary 8-time Mr. Olympia Lee Haney eats 500g of complex carbs and only 80g of protein daily. Complex carbs have a protein-sparing effect—allowing protein to be used for muscle building and immune support, not energy.

SlimPlant Pro was designed to match this exact need. Your brain and muscles need high-energy, clean fuel—and rest, quality sleep, detox, and training.

Don’t wait. Get on Amazon and watch for our upcoming audiobook:
And stay tuned for our next release: EstroBlock: The Solution to Estrogen Dominance

Kyle reviewed over 2,000 long-form videos to master Dr. Nick’s teachings—we’re not asking that of you. We’ll give you exactly what you need, step by step.

Because your health, energy, physique, and longevity are what matter most. Your ability to perform—in life, in relationships, in business—starts with your health.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Whether you’re single or have a family, this plan is for everyone.

Please fill out this quick evaluation to update your program:

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