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Protein, Cholesterol Stroke, Heart Attack Cancer

Dr. Nick Delgado

Dr. Nick Delgado

Helping people with their journey to health, happiness and their goals in career, relationships and longevity.

Yes, it’s true that lab values will vary, but the overall trend must be observed. This is not directly related to body weight per se. In fact, there are cases of extremely obese individuals with low cholesterol. For example, you could eat a lot of coconut oil, olive oil, and fats and still be obese, like sumo wrestlers who consume one large meal a day, primarily of soy and high-calorie foods. They trick their bodies into thinking they’re starving, causing them to retain those calories.

While genetics can play a role in fat retention, cholesterol is a different issue. It’s not a fat; it’s a hormone—a waxy sterol that can clog arteries. Your historical level is dangerously high. My father, who had a stroke at age 21, got smart and completely switched to a plant-based, oil-free, sugar-free, and gluten-free diet.

I’m not certain, but it seems like your diet is predominantly animal-based. The belief that animal products are the best source of protein may be a limiting factor, but that’s far from the truth. Our new product, SlimPlant Pro, proves otherwise with dominant calories coming from yams, beets, and 35 whole, organic ingredients.

Some people use SlimPlant Pro in larger quantities as a meal replacement, and you’ll find that this type of plant-based protein absorbs significantly better to build more muscle! Have you seen the video with Billy, Mr. Universe Australia, who’s completely plant-based? He states that his workouts improve, recovery is faster, and he’s able to train more often—all while being a physical specimen.

Have you heard of Nimai Delgado, the pro bodybuilder who’s 100% plant-based and has never eaten meat, dairy, or cheese in his life?

There’s a massive agenda in the meat and dairy industries, which are bigger than even the gas and oil industries. These industries have strong lobbyists pushing for more government subsidies to reduce production costs for chicken, fish, turkey, eggs, meat, and dairy, all at the cost of the nation’s health. The U.S. has the highest rate of cardiovascular disease in the world.

If you attend our one-day immersion course in Costa Mesa on Saturday, September 28th, we can provide you with the full story. Many people are flying in, and it’s just a 15-minute drive from John Wayne Airport (SNA OC). We also have a VIP after-party, and the cost is only $99 for VIP, or $5 for general admission ($0 if you join virtually).

We believe in-person events are 100 times more effective than virtual, as the stream only covers 3 hours of the 8-hour experience. You can see testimonials at At the very least, register for the virtual event and upgrade to VIP later if you’re interested.

My father is fantastic at guiding and motivating people to adopt the lifestyle changes that could save you a lot of money, pain, and heartache. Your high hemoglobin level puts you at risk for a stroke, and that’s no joke!

We’d love to have you rejoin our coaching program. Kyle is no longer with us, as he’s focusing on his own health challenges. As we age, each of us faces new challenges, but with the right guidance, we can rise to new heights. My father, Dr. Nick Delgado, is 69 years old and still offers a mentorship program that typically costs $12,000 for a 4-day session. After reviewing your files, he’s willing to offer you a year-long coaching program for $3,000. This includes monthly check-ins, emails, and access to our Wednesday live streams at 4 or 5 PM PST on YouTube (

Would you be okay with joining this program, getting your questions answered weekly, and receiving significant savings? My father shares his expertise through long-form YouTube videos and Spotify podcasts, so you can learn at your own pace. Or, if you prefer quick clips like TikTok-style videos, we can adjust to fit your needs.

P.S. Ferritin is a cancer marker and needs to be monitored closely. I recommend testing for other cancer markers, such as CEA and HCG, which, like prolactin, can indicate certain types of cancer. We offer a special dry blood oxidative stress test for $184, which will answer critical questions.

When your LDL cholesterol is high (anything over 95 is considered high), it’s crucial to take action. The drop in HDL doesn’t concern us as much because studies, including one from Stanford, show HDL isn’t as protective against cardiovascular disease when LDL is high. Your genetic markers, particularly Alpha Protein A and B, are very concerning. While most doctors will recommend statins, which can impact cognition, we offer Lipoburn, a safe and effective alternative. It can help lower your LDL in combination with a few dietary and lifestyle changes.

Your prolactin levels are a reflection of your animal-based diet. SlimPlant Pro will help you shift away from animal protein while building an even stronger physique.

I know you may not want to hear this, but the science supports it. Figures like Dave Asprey of Bulletproof tell people it’s okay to consume large amounts of animal-based products, but that’s far from the truth. Even Dr. Paul Saladino, author of “The Carnivore Code,” has recently added 300 grams of carbohydrates from honey, rice, and fruit into his diet, as mentioned on the Gary Brecka and Thomas DeLauer podcasts. Yet, he refused to debate my father on his podcast, Beyond Human.

Asprey did take a picture with my father, and while they agree on many biohacks, they disagree on the most important factor—diet. The food you consume greatly affects your lipids. While there is some agreement on supplementation, such as getting omega-3s from marine algae, chia, flaxseed, and walnuts, diet is crucial.

My father plans to have Dave on his podcast to discuss biohacks, and while these figures have a large audience, their advice can be harmful. Even chicken, often considered healthier, is as high in cholesterol as red meat.

Is your father alive? Does he have a history of stroke or heart attack?

A recent example is a very muscular man named Michael, who attended our event in Costa Mesa. Despite years of high cholesterol, Dr. Nick guided him, and within two to three weeks, his cholesterol levels dropped dramatically while improving his strength and endurance.

Anyone who says cholesterol doesn’t matter either hasn’t studied the science or has a personal agenda. Websites like,, and show the clear benefits of a plant-based diet. Even Lee Haney, an eight-time Mr. Olympia, consumes 500 grams of carbohydrates a day and only 80 grams of protein, which shows that plant-based nutrition can support elite athletes.

SlimPlant Pro is the first of its kind, providing the necessary calories and nutrients for energy, lean muscle growth, and fat reduction with proper rest and detoxification.

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