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Forever Young, 7 Secrets to Look & Feel Great Forever

Dr. Nick Delgado

Dr. Nick Delgado

Helping people with their journey to health, happiness and their goals in career, relationships and longevity.

 Anti-Aging Interventions: A Path to Longevity

Each year, nearly one million people die prematurely from chronic, “silent” diseases such as circulatory conditions, hormonal decline, toxin exposure, and multiple organ system failures. These conditions highlight a pressing need to explore ways to help patients and ourselves live longer, healthier lives.

Having presented lectures to over 250,000 people over a 50-year period and thoroughly reviewing medical literature, I, along with my colleagues, have identified seven key anti-aging interventions that can significantly reverse or slow the aging process. Implementing these strategies could alleviate stress on the healthcare system, particularly in senior care centers where individuals often function 20 to 30 years older than those living in Blue Zones, as identified by Dan Buettner.

What if we introduced these programs to senior care centers? My experience overseeing diet and exercise plans for approximately 300 doctors at San Diego Kaiser Hospital and Midwood Community Hospital yielded positive results. A similar intervention at Tony Robbins Mastery University, involving 697 participants, showed significant reductions in cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose levels within just nine days. 

These incredible results were better: then the wide scale use of statins were achieved through a plant-based, whole foods, oil-free, sugar-free diet, combined with daily exercise.  We noted the best long term success nearly 30 years later were achieved if the doctors and attendees were provided guided imagery scripts designed to be read at bedtime and again upon waking because this is the time where we are closer to the theta state to be able to access the incredible power of the mind using NLP and Timeline Therapy, targeting the deepest subconscious levels. This is where over 97% of actions and behaviors are determined.

Dr. Kim Williams, a Professor of Medicine and former President of the American College of Cardiology, has also made strides in this field. His Urban Cardiology Initiative, with 14 cardiologists trained in lifestyle medicine, has successfully reversed diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity, complementing traditional medical treatments involving drugs and surgery.

Lifestyle medicine, with its focus on stress relief, whole, unprocessed foods, and the elimination of oil and sugar, offers convincing, medically-referenced benefits. Additional advantages include the use of organic, GMO-free foods, quality functional medicine, GMP-standardized herbs and supplements, and comprehensive evaluations based on microscopic assessments, history, and physical exams. Further benefits include short, intense daily exercise sessions, detoxification, adherence to good circadian sleep habits, and fostering love and connection—all cornerstones of longevity.

In my latest book, I delve into advanced therapeutics, a growing area among anti-aging and rejuvenation experts. My certified and medically supervised team has monitored over 697 attendees, publishing our findings in the “Anti-Aging Medical News” as early as 2003, with notable titles like “Estrogen: The Male Toxin.” Over the past two decades, our team has evaluated 250,000 participants at health expos and medical conventions, including the A4M around the world. 

These evaluations, initially kept in private medical files and now digitized with the name protected, have contributed significantly to the field of Anti-Aging Medical Therapeutics, which is available in medical libraries worldwide. Titled: Encyclopedia of Clinical Anti-Aging Medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies

Our efforts have also supported the certification of thousands of MDs, DOs, and related health practitioners by Board examiners. The collective work underscores the profound impact of lifestyle medicine and advanced therapeutics on longevity and the potential for widespread implementation to enhance quality of life and reduce healthcare burdens.

 Comprehensive Testing and Advanced Therapeutics: A New Era in Anti-Aging Medicine

In the quest to slow or reverse biological aging, comprehensive testing and advanced therapeutics are crucial. Baseline and follow-up evaluations using blood, urine, and saliva hormone tests, alongside chemistry, lipid profiles, and cancer markers, are essential to determine the safety and effectiveness of each intervention.

As new practitioners seek to establish standards of medical care, it is vital to address the confusion and potential contraindications, especially among seniors over 50 who are often on multiple medications. These medications, while effective short-term, can lead to complex complications over time.

Our team has trained anti-aging medical professionals to recognize that the third leading cause of death is associated with medically indicated interventions. Many medications used to treat aging-related chronic diseases have not been proven effective in long-term trials. For instance, medications for reducing blood pressure and cholesterol often reduce the levels yet premature death and added complications including disturbance in brain function and sexual function are far too common.  

Actually these same patients on long term medications will improve dramatically when lifestyle and functional medicine are added. We can correct the cause of the problem. The results are that many patients no longer need the medications. This brings up the question, after less than a few weeks on the medications for medical legal reasons can patients successfully reduce or get completely off of heart, blood pressure, cholesterol reducing and diabetic medications? 

We have monitored all of the proper lab markers and vitals spanning over 40 years and observed nearly 100% of these patients are completely off all medications within 30 days or less. In effect we are able to extend the length and quality of life without the risk of side effects. 

I believe it is possible to reduce the prescription, psychiatric drugs and opioid overdoses as a leading cause of death in regards to medical mistakes. A Yale study reported that most people enter the hospital during the last 3 weeks of life with the lowest estimated medical errors taking over 21,000 lives. 

New research is showing that certain peptides reduce the damaging effects of chemotherapy and radiation. A goal of reducing tumor size, and long-term survival rates are improved with anti-aging and lifestyle medicine. 

Let’s look at an optimistic view where we support and invest in future care centers and hospitals with the following model of wellness rather than sick care.  

We must encourage less invasive testing procedures, such as live hematological blood analysis and dry blood spots, which are gaining popularity. These tests, properly collected by certified professionals, detect the earliest signs of oxidative stress and free radical damage. Ultrasound, thermography, and biopsies support these findings, although biopsies carry risks, including potential tumor spread there are reasonable cancer blood and urine markers that show improvement to a safe range. 

New technologies, such as high-resolution phase microscopy, analyze the shape and quality of red blood cells, white cell lobes, and plasma terrain. This test, supported by Merck’s Manual section on anemia, nutritional deficiencies. We offer references based on Guyton’s Medical Physiology that the purpose and function of the immune system provides support for functional medicine to better guide the best herbal supplements that meet GMP standards. 

We can further observe in real-time the oxygen-carrying capacity of the patient’s circulation and lymphatic system by collecting blood samples in the middle of the day after eating a typical meal. This provides the patient and the practitioner a memorable visual example of postprandial lipids control. It is possible to document how glucose and lipids such as triglycerides and free fatty acids elevate to unsafe levels clumping the Red Blood Cells in rouleau (french for stack of coins) within 2 to 6 hours after eating overly processed foods loaded with fat and sugar.  The outdated method of requiring patients to  “fast 12 hours” will not determine the true cardiovascular and diabetic risk.

Incorporating Biological Oral Health, plaque from teeth is examined under a phase contrast compound microscope, revealing harmful microbes such as bacteria, salmonella, spirochetes, bacilli, and C-Diff is shocking to virtually every person seeing this test as they see literally thousands of fasting moving bacteria and microbes on a big TV screen! 

 The fact is bacteria can harmlessly exist in the gut until it’s overgrowth, caused by disruption of gut microbiota by the consumption of animal flesh, dairy products, eggs or broad-spectrum antibiotics. The overuse of antibiotics increased deaths from sepsis and hospital food served including meat injected with antibiotics causing more resistant strains of microbes. 

This Microbe oral mouth test can be performed in less than 3 minutes to show both doctors, nurses and caretakers which patients are at greatest risk for infection. 

This raises the question: should we use antibiotics or is a better choice prebiotics, probiotics, postbiotics, and a diverse range of fiber-rich foods and supplements for a healthy gut biome? The human gut microbiota is an ecosystem of trillions of microorganisms that outnumber our own cells, including over 1,000 known species of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microbial entities. 

Under the microscope an overly active area of anaerobic bacteria that live without needing much oxygen is undesirable as compared to healthy aerobic bacteria that live with oxygen. Prebiotics are non digestible dietary fibers that promote the growth and activity of beneficial gut bacteria. Prebiotics are food for these microbes and postbiotics are the beneficial compounds produced by probiotics. 

The production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as butyrate, serves as a primary energy source for the cells lining our colon and play a key role in regulating inflammation. The gut requires microbes that ferment prebiotics to regulate and lower PH to enhance the solubility of mineral salts, boosting the absorption of essential minerals like magnesium and calcium to help prevent bone loss known as osteoporosis. 

Other bacteria break down complex carbohydrates, releasing essential nutrients that our bodies would otherwise find inaccessible. Prebiotics improve the immune system and the lymph to produce cytokines and chemokines to reduce infections and inflammation. Other probiotics influence the gut by strengthening the thin mucosal barrier and ward off potential pathogens. 

There are bio hackers saying avoid spinach, kale and greens because they contain oxalates? The fact is probiotics can break down oxalates making vegetables safe and reduce the risk of kidney stones. Probiotics can break down uric acid in those people consuming nucleic acid in meat to reduce gout arthritis.  Plant based foods have the ability to reduce gout and other conditions of arthritis and inflammation. There are probiotics that reduce antibiotics, heavy metals, phytic acid, carcinogens and toxins neutralizing adverse effects on the gut and to the body. 

Surprisingly very few people consume enough beneficial protective fiber because they indulge in olive oil lacking fiber when the whole olive is better for you. Why do people believe that extracted oils from whole foods is good for you when they clearly understand that the same process of extraction of sugar from beets is bad for you? Sugar and highly processed foods loaded with herbicides destroy good bacteria and promote harmful bacteria associated with inflammation and disease. 

Whole fresh fruit is the safest form of sweetener because it is rich in polyphenols that stabilize blood sugar and insulin according to Dr David Jenkins, the creator of the glycemic index. Fermented coconut yogurt, kimchi, and a full transition within 9 days to a diet rich in root vegetables, asparagus, onions, garlic, bananas, ancient whole grains, basmati brown rice, legumes (well cooked beans at least two days in a crockpot) will reduce lipids and LDL cholesterol to safe levels better than statin drugs. The increase in fiber soaks up bile made up principally of cholesterol and toxins to help reverse plaque in the arteries. 

Most people with chronic diseases consume excess protein from animals and dairy under the false belief that they need more animal protein as they age or train with weights!

This oil free, sugar free, “adequate in protein”, whole food plant based diet meets the needs of growing children, adults, athletes wanting to build lean muscle and recover from intense workouts and seniors citizens struggling with muscle atrophy known clinically as sarcopenia. 

Dr Garth Davis MD in his book well referenced book “Proteinaholic” explains away the myths about protein that root vegetables, legumes, fruit, nuts, seeds and a variety of whole plant based foods, when consumed in sufficient calories will far exceed the average and even superior needs of the human race. The shocking discovery that even bodybuilders like Naimi Delgado who has never tasted flesh, meat, chicken, fish, dairy or eggs has built an out of this world physique as he sets his sights on winning the Mr Olympia.     

Joshua Shelf won the Arnold Classic after I trained him in how getting sufficient calories on a plant based diet provided it’s from whole unprocessed natural foods as grown will always allow the grams of protein that are complete proteins with all 8 essential amino acids to meet even advanced bodybuilders needs. 

Lee Haney, 8 time Mr Olympia (which is the Mr Universe of all of bodybuilding) revealed in an interview with me that he consumes over 500 grams of complex carbohydrates that has a “Protein Sparing effect” ensuring he always has enough energy to workout that allows the 80 grams of protein to be spared and used for repair of organs and all the bodily needs.

Most people with chronic diseases consume excess protein from animals and dairy under the false belief that they need more animal protein as they age or train with weights!    

 The shocking reference in Michael Greger’s book “How Not to Die” that animal products even when cooked at high temperature are loaded with dangerous potentially deadly microbes like C-diff is rampant because of chicken or meat feedlot operations. When one consumes whole plant based foods in place of an animal centered diet rich in prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics will dramatically shift the gut to healthy aerobic bacteria, change the ratio of viruses, candida fungus and reduce disease causing dangerous anaerobic bacteria while restoring the vitality of youth.   

Our health is also challenged because of a disruption to the microbiome from excess alcohol, medications, overuse of antibiotics, processed foods and aging can increase inflammation, bowel disease (IBD), obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancers and neurodegenerative disorders. 

Mental health problems, depression and anxiety are at a record high. Keep in mind the top causes of death of doctors is suicide due to burnout in the stressful medical profession and peripheral artery disease because of poor dietary practices. 

Chemotherapy medicines promote the growth of pathogenic strains. Proton pump inhibitors, metformin, laxatives suppress stomach acid production to ineffectively deal with ulcers. 

A better intervention is to increase fiber to over 100 grams per day by the selection of whole plant based foods prepared with less or no oil and sugar to soothe the stomach and the intestines discovered during World War II. When the German officers ate meat and dairy foods moved to the front lines under more stress as they were being shot at while consuming fiber rich foods actually had a complete disappearance of ulcers according to nutritional historian Nan Bronfen and Denis Burkitt MD.

We assess oxidative stress levels in blood samples combined with lipid profiles. These morphological changes result from reactive oxygen toxic species (ROTS) and free radicals. This aspect of our testing, examining dry blood samples under 400x bright field microscopy, is based on over 75 years of observational research, dating back to President Eisenhower’s personal physicians in the 1950s and continued by my team into 2024. We have preserved hundreds of slides and digital data of these dry samples of blood, because we are committed to the pursuit of truth as presented in my talk, “Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease Can Be Prevented and Reversed.”

Our evidence-based approach involves asking patients to undergo in depth questions about their lifestyle, functional, regenerative, and anti-aging medicine practices. We believe reversing ROTS activity can mitigate most degenerative diseases. 

We then use the living blood sample and dry blood sample images taken under the microscope to give weekly then monthly biofeedback. This is a key to helping patients and doctors to comply with well designed protocol’s because “Blood Doesn’t Lie” humans will lie about their diet and exercise habits and this observational test keeps us honest. 

Advanced therapeutic interventions could extend lifespan and enhance quality of life. I will present this integrated approach, honed over nearly five decades, in my talk “Forever Young.” Clinicians will gain a clear vision through virtual or in person microscope certification courses and my 46 years of experience, summarized in the “7 Secrets to Health.”

By focusing on comprehensive testing and advanced therapeutics, we can transform the approach to aging, offering hope for longer, healthier lives.

The Cutting-Edge Approach to Detoxification: Transformative Therapies and Lifestyle Medicine

 1. Functional Medicine, Nutritional Support, and Supplementation

Bi-weekly treatments with NAD IV, modified Myers Cocktail, and functional supplements can significantly support tissue health and boost natural antioxidants. These treatments, combined with molecular hydrogen, nitric oxide, and phytochemicals, create a robust plan tailored to individual needs. Ensuring the intake of trace minerals, high-quality methylated vitamins, and nutrient-rich, organic, GMO-free foods supports overall health and slows aging.

The discovery of spermidine in mushrooms, wheat germ and several plant based foods enhances autophagy and the removal of zombie cells that take up our bodies vitality. These plant extracts assist the body’s natural process of cleaning out damaged cells, contributing to cellular renewal and longevity.

Functional medicine emphasizes a holistic approach, addressing the root causes of diseases rather than merely treating symptoms. By incorporating personalized nutrition, herbal remedies, and supplements into a patient’s daily routine, practitioners can enhance the body’s innate healing capabilities. Key nutrients, such as antioxidants, enzymes, and phytochemicals, play a crucial role in protecting cells from oxidative stress and promoting overall health.

 2. Bio-Identical Hormonal, Herbal, and Peptide Interventions

My review of the research and my recorded interview with Dr. Thierry Hertoghe, Dr. Ron Rothenberg, Edwin Lee MD, Endocrinologist and other experts have demonstrated that restoring hormonal levels using bio-identical hormones, peptides, and herbs can improve physical function, activity levels, and emotional well-being. Personalized hormonal intervention, carefully monitored, can significantly enhance quality of life.

Telomerase, an enzyme found in herbs like astragalus, slows cellular aging by protecting telomeres, thereby reducing inflammation and mutation risks. Consuming cruciferous vegetables, especially broccoli sprouts rich in sulforaphane, helps balance estrogen metabolites, improving cognition and hormonal balance. 

The balance of hormones and the measurement by 24 hour urine tests will demonstrate removal of estrone metabolites with a shift to the good 2OHE from the bad 16aHOE. The herbal supplements rich in Diindolylmethane DIM, I3C, calcium D Glucarate and broccoli sprouts will optimize nearly 40 different estrogen metabolites as a key to the battle against cancer and obesity. 

Herbal and peptide interventions can also support hormonal balance, enhance vitality, and improve overall health. Peptides, which are short chains of amino acids, have shown promise in promoting tissue repair, reducing inflammation, and enhancing immune function. By restoring youthful hormone levels and optimizing cellular function, patients can experience improved energy, vitality, and well-being.

3. Emotional Well-being, Stress Management, Sleep, and Breathing

The psychological work of Dr. Richard Bandler and Dr. Tad James highlights the importance of overcoming subconscious scripts that dominate our daily thoughts. Engaging with a trained therapist as those who appear on our Forever Young events using techniques like ‘Eyes Open Guided Imagery’ can help individuals maintain conscious control over their actions, leading to consistent healthy behaviors.

Quality sleep, aligned with circadian rhythms, and effective stress management are crucial for emotional and physical health. The Harvard Grant Study, which followed a diverse group of men for over 80 years, revealed that satisfying relationships are vital for longevity and overall health. Building strong social connections and enjoying intimate relationships can enhance well-being and increase lifespan. Those couples who engage in love making three or more times per week, live longer than those who make love only once a week or once or month or not at all. 

Emotional well-being is a cornerstone of overall health. Stress management techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and deep-breathing exercises, making love can significantly reduce stress levels, enhance mental clarity, and improve resilience. Ensuring a consistent sleep schedule and creating a restful sleep environment are essential for maintaining hormonal balance and promoting recovery.

 4. Fitness, Movement, and Outdoor Activity

Regular physical activity, particularly in natural settings, is essential for detoxification and overall health. Studies have shown that people living in hilly areas tend to live longer due to increased physical activity. Exercise acts as a powerful antioxidant, reducing oxidative stress and enhancing fitness.

Innovative training methods, such as resistance band exercises and Forced Negative Reps (FNR), can maximize muscle growth and strength while minimizing training time. These methods are effective for both athletes and seniors, promoting muscle hypertrophy, preventing sarcopenia and improving physical resilience.

Engaging in at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, such as walking or yoga, three times a week supports autophagy and reduces the risk of injuries. Outdoor activities, combined with proper sun protection and hydration, further enhance health benefits.

Resistance band training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are effective strategies for building strength and endurance in a time-efficient manner requiring only 12 minutes 3 times a week to take all 8  muscle groups to temporary muscular failure. These exercises are performed with one set for each body part to stimulate muscle growth, improve cardiovascular health, and enhance metabolic function. For advanced athletes, incorporating Forced Negative Reps (FNR) with the assistance of a training partner can significantly boost muscle hypertrophy and strength gains.

5. Clear skin and body weight

First impressions are essential to accomplishing your goals in life. When your radiant skin is clear of acne and you maintain your ideal weight and body composition, you will step with confidence into your greatness. Unlocking the nutritional secrets to defeating acne and losing weight will transform your appearance. Master the steps to Clear Skin to dazzle your associates.

6. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

Non-surgical regenerative therapies, including stem cell treatments, offer safe and effective alternatives for joint, organ, and systemic repair. Proper extraction, purification, and storage of stem cells are crucial for successful outcomes in regenerative medicine. New advances including immediate transfer and testing free of microbes on the same day for cord blood stem cells appears to be more effective than using nitrogen freeze.    

Stem cell therapy, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, and other regenerative techniques can stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation. These therapies hold promise for treating a wide range of conditions, from orthopedic injuries to chronic diseases.

Regenerative medicine represents the future of non-invasive treatments, offering potential solutions for conditions that were previously thought to be untreatable. By harnessing the body’s own healing mechanisms, these therapies can accelerate recovery, reduce pain, and improve quality of life.

7. Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE): A Revolutionary Intervention

Pioneered by Dr. Dobri Kiprov, Dr. Paul Savage, Dr. Phil Milgram and Edwin Lee MD, Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE) is a groundbreaking procedure in detoxification. TPE involves the removal of old plasma, replacing it with albumin that has anti-inflammatory properties. This novel technique, typically conducted over one to three sessions, has shown remarkable results according to the doctors and patients undergoing TPE.

TPE aids in the elimination of harmful lipids and, when combined with a diet rich in unprocessed, sugar-free, oil-free, and fiber-rich plant-based foods, can reverse plaque formation. This dual approach of therapy and lifestyle modification holds promise in reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, strokes, and peripheral vascular diseases, especially in diabetic patients.

Moreover, the removal of toxins and heavy metals accumulated in body tissues and fat through TPE can lower the risk of various cancers. Complementary therapies such as far-infrared therapy, Active PEMF, CVAC (Cyclic Variation in Adaptive Conditioning), and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) enhance the detoxification process and can be incorporated weekly.  

Our tissues need sufficient oxygenation and stimulation of lymph tissue to reduce the risk of cancerous tumors and organ failure. Exercise, laser therapy, altitude conditioning, hyperbaric oxygen and energy medicine helps slow tumor growth and reverse signs of aging to prolong life.   

Learning Objectives for Clinicians and reader of this book will be enhanced by accessing the resources we offer with over 2,000 training videos where you can subscribe and ask questions at  also see resources at

These resources will provide

1. Holistic Patient Assessment: Clinicians will learn to integrate lifestyle data, observations, and microscopy with standardized laboratory tests to assess patient status effectively.

2. Advanced Hormonal Analysis: Annual comprehensive hormonal assessments, including blood, urine, and saliva tests, will be emphasized to monitor and correct hormonal imbalances.

3. Cardiovascular Risk Detection: Utilizing carotid artery ultrasound and correlating findings with blood lipids, glucose, and insulin levels will help detect and address cardiovascular disease early.

4. Comprehensive Patient Care: Clinicians will be equipped to develop personalized, evidence-based plans combining advanced therapies, anti-aging hormones, regenerative and lifestyle medicine for optimal patient outcomes.

By embracing these innovative approaches and combining them with traditional practices, healthcare providers can offer patients a path to improved health, longevity, and overall well-being. This comprehensive model of care, integrating cutting-edge therapies with holistic lifestyle modifications, represents the future of medicine, aiming not only to treat disease but to promote optimal health and vitality.


What sets apart those who thrive is their inclusion of mindset and guided imagery in their health regimen. These individuals are not just following a plan; they are mentally and emotionally engaged in their health journey. Guided imagery, a technique that uses visualization to influence physical and emotional well-being, helps patients to stay committed and motivated. This mental engagement has been shown to enhance adherence to health plans and improve outcomes.

Patients who have integrated these practices have been monitored for over 40 years, demonstrating remarkable results. Their commitment to a holistic approach that combines physical health with mental and emotional wellness has proven effective in promoting longevity and quality of life.

This article aims to equip practitioners with the knowledge and tools to help their patients achieve these outcomes. By understanding and applying these seven keys to optimum health, practitioners can support their patients in living longer, happier lives. Emphasizing the importance of a positive mindset and the power of guided imagery can make a significant difference in patient adherence and success.

In conclusion, while the seven keys to optimum health may seem straightforward, it is the deeper understanding and holistic integration of these elements that truly make a difference. Practitioners who can guide their patients in incorporating these principles will be instrumental in helping them achieve and maintain optimal health, ultimately extending their lives and enhancing their happiness.

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